Expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and KI 67 in epithelial ovarian tumors and their histopathological correlation

  • Dr. Rinku Bhagora P G Resident, Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Reeni Malik Professor and Head Of the Department, Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Trichal Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Keywords: Estrogen receptor, Progesterone receptor, Ovarian tumors, Ki67


Introduction: Expression of ER, PR and Ki 67 in epithelial ovarian tumors and their histopathological correlation analyzed by immunohistochemistry.

Methods: This study was conducted on 60 ovarian specimens received in Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal for ovarian tumors from 1st January 2012 -31st august 2016.

Results: The expression of ER was more in malignant tumor 21/26 than borderline 5/9 and benign tumors 5/25. The PR expression was more in benign tumors 14/25 than malignant 13/26 and borderline 2/9 tumors. The Ki67 expression was more in malignant tumors 22/26 than borderline 7/9 and benign 1/25 tumors.

Conclusion: In our study ER and Ki-67 positivity was maximally seen in malignant cases. This shows that ER was enhanced in ovarian carcinoma and Ki67 was proliferative marker. PR expression was maximally seen in benign tumors. This showed protective role of PR marker in ovarian carcinoma.


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Expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and KI 67 in epithelial ovarian tumors and their histopathological correlation
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i06.03
Published: 2017-06-30
How to Cite
Bhagora R, Malik R, Kumar Trichal V. Expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and KI 67 in epithelial ovarian tumors and their histopathological correlation. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(6):554-61. Available from:
Original Article