A comparative therapeutic evaluation of topical Ivermectin Vs topical Permethrin for the management of scabies

  • Dr. Ankit Srivastava Department of Pharmacology, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P, India
  • Dr. Sunil kumar Gupta Department of Skin and Venereology, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
  • Dr. Mohd Faisal Department of Pharmacology , Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
  • Dr. Farrukh Kidwai Department of Pharmacology , Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
  • Dr.Deepak Kumar Department of Pharmacology , Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
  • Dr. Dibya deb Ghosh Department of Pharmacology , Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
  • Dr. Niaz Ahmed Ansari Department of Pharmacology , Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India
Keywords: Scabies, Therapeutic efficacy Permethrin and Ivermectin


Objective: To compare the therapeutic efficacy of topical ivermectin 0.5% vs. topical permethrin 5% cream in the treatment of scabies.

Methods: This was open labelled, parallel group, prospective and comparative clinical study. Depending on the treatment to be received, there were two study groups comprising 50 patients each. Group 1 patients received topical 5 % Permethrin cream on day 1 and repeat application on 1st week follow up and if required then on second week; Group 2 patients received topical 0.5% Ivermectin cream on day 1 and repeat application on 1st week follow up and if required then on second week. The patient were also given antipruritic drug Tablet levocetirizine in a dose of 5 mg once daily given for 2 to 3 weeks. A total of 50 patients in each group were included in the study.

Results: More than half of the patients in both Group 1 (56%) and Group 2 (54%) were below 30 years. More than half of the patients in both Group 1 (54%) and Group 2 (52%) were males. Majority of site of lesions were absent at 2 weeks in both the groups. Moderate and severe itching of lesion became nil at 2 weeks in both the groups. Grade 2 of itching of lesion was in 2% at 2 weeks in both the groups. KOH was positive in 94% patients in Group 1 and in 96% in Group 2 at baseline which decreased to 14% in Group 1 and 18% in Group 2 at 1 week. KOH positivity became nil at 2 weeks in both the groups.

Conclusion: Topical Permethrin 5 % and Ivermectin 0.5 % were equally effective in the treatment of scabies up to 2 weeks.


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A comparative therapeutic evaluation of topical Ivermectin Vs topical Permethrin for the management of scabies
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i07.06
Published: 2017-07-31
How to Cite
Srivastava A, kumar Gupta S, Faisal M, Kidwai F, Kumar D, deb Ghosh D, Ansari NA. A comparative therapeutic evaluation of topical Ivermectin Vs topical Permethrin for the management of scabies. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Jul.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(7):684-90. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/896
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