Association between smoking and hearing status: a comparative study between smokers and non – smokers

  • Dr. Shah Mohammad Abbas Waseem Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Ankita Kumari Audiologist and Speech Pathologist, Department of Multiple Disabilitie and Rehabilitation, IIMS R, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University Lucknow, UP, India
  • Dr. Charu Singh Professor Department of ENT, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Seema Singh Professor Department of Physiology, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Jitendra Kumar Professor Department of Physiology, HIMS Varanasi, UP, India
  • Dr. Jaya Gupta Senior Resident Department of ENT, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Rubeena Bano Professor Department of Physiology, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Homnath Dhunagana Statistician cum Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine, IIMSR, Integral University, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Parth Sarthi Lecturer Raajkiya Medical College Jalaun, UP, India
Keywords: Smoking, Risk Factors in Hearing Loss, Smoking Severity, Association of Smoking with hearing loss, Audiometry


Background: Smoking, age, gender, socioeconomic class and education may contribute to the hearing loss. In this study hearing loss between smokers (current and ex) and non smokers was compared.

Materials and Methods: 145 smokers [79 current (68 males, 11 females) and 66 ex smokers (60 males, 6 females)] and 145 non smokers (69 males, 76 females) were studied. Modified Kuppuswamy scale and smoking index were used. Hearing loss was assessed by Audiometry. P value of<0.05(unpaired t test and chi square test) was taken as statistically significant.

Result: Statistically significant and non significant differences were found between the mean age and educational status of current -ex smokers and smokers-non smokers respectively. Statistically significant and non significant differences were found between the socioeconomic status of smokers-non smokers and current -ex smokers respectively. Difference was significant between smoking index of current and ex smokers (p=0.003). 70.05% males had hearing loss as compared to females (49.46%). About 59.24% and 26.09% hearing loss cases belonged to low education and upper and upper middle social class respectively. 68% and 24.24% of moderate and severe smoking index were of professional to graduate educational status. 36.17% and 30.30% of moderate to severe smoking index belonged to upper and upper middle socioeconomic class. 73.91% were from low social classes. 47.59% non smokers and 25.51% smokers had no hearing loss. The severity of hearing loss was more in heavy smokers.

Conclusion: Hearing loss associated with smoking was found to be more in male gender, advancing age, low socioeconomic and educational classes.


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Association between smoking and hearing status: a comparative study between smokers and non – smokers
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i06.06
Published: 2017-06-30
How to Cite
Abbas Waseem SM, Kumari A, Misra S, Singh C, Singh S, Kumar J, Gupta J, Bano R, Dhunagana H, Sarthi P. Association between smoking and hearing status: a comparative study between smokers and non – smokers. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(6):576-84. Available from:
Original Article