Case report of sertoli-leydig cell tumor of bilateral ovaries in a woman with 46XYkaryotype
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors are rare constituting less than 0.5% of ovarian neoplasms and usually unilateral. Average age of presentation is 25 years.We report the case of a 23-year-old unmarried woman who presented with primary amenorrhea and 8 months history of intermittent pain over left lower abdomen. Transvaginal scan revealed rudimentary uterus with left ovarian cyst with mural nodules. Cytogenetic study revealed 46XY karyotype. Histopathological examination of specimen received after surgeryshowed well-differentiated Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor in sections from bilateral ovaries and Serous Surface Papilloma in a section from left ovary.Diagnosis is based on morphological features. Prognosis depends on stage and degree of differentiation.
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