Role of ca 19-9 as a tumor marker in diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma (A study of 46 cases)

  • Dr. Mitsu Vaishnav Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutchh, Gujarat, India
  • Dr. Sameep Garg Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutchh, Gujarat, India
  • Dr. Vijay Popat Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Shri M.P. Shah Medical college, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Keywords: CA19-9, Cholangiocarcinoma, Pancreatic Carcinoma, Tumor marker


Introduction: Ca19-9 is currently the single most useful tumor marker for diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic cancer and cholangiocarcinoma.

Aim: The aim is to elucidate the importance of tumor marker ca 19-9 as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in pancreatic carcinoma and cholangio-carcinoma.

Material and Methods: The time period of the study was from september-2012 to september- 2014. The patients were investigated pre-operatively and post operatively for ca 19-9 levels in their serum with the use of ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) test.

Results: Total 28 cases of pancreatic lesions were considered which included 24 cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, It was observed that when preoperative serum CA 19-9 level was less than 37 u/ml median survival was 28 months. However when CA 19-9 level was more than 200 u/ml, median survival was 6 months. Out of 18 cases studied in gallbladder tumors, 15 cases were of cholangiocarcinoma. Patients with pre-therapy serum CA 19-9 level was between 37 -200 u/ml median survival was 23.25 months. When CA 19-9 level was more than 200 u/ml, median survival was 10.25 months.

Conclusion: Elevated level of ca 19-9 in pancreatic carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma are associated with higher age group, male sex, higher histological grade, higher TNM staging and metastasis. Post operative ca 19-9 value has definitive prognostic value to detect any metastasis or recurrence in pancreatic carcinoma and cholangio- carcinoma. Therefore it can be concluded that ca 19-9 is an important tumor marker for pancreatic carcninoma and cholangio-carcinoma.


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Role of ca 19-9 as a tumor marker in diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma (A study of 46 cases)
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i05.12
Published: 2017-05-31
How to Cite
Vaishnav M, Garg S, Popat V. Role of ca 19-9 as a tumor marker in diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma (A study of 46 cases). Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017May31 [cited 2025Mar.14];5(5):505-14. Available from:
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