Spectrum of CT findings in gall bladder carcinoma patients in north Indian population
Background: Gallbladder carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the biliary tract and ranks fifth amongst gastrointestinal cancers. In Asia, increased frequency of gall bladder carcinoma is seen in north Indian Females.
Method: A prospective study was carried out on 60 patients of gall bladder(GB) mass who were selected from OPD and wards of the hospital. CT scan of these patients was done using Siemens Somatom Emotion 6 slice machine.
Results: Among the 60 patients of GB mass included in this study, 46 patients were diagnosed as gall bladder carcinoma based on the multidetector computed tomographic findings and its correlation with histopathology. Out of 46 patients 30 were females and 16 were males. Infiltrating masses were detected in 28 patients, intraluminal polypoidal masses were detected in 10 patients while eight patients presented with mural thickening of the gall bladder wall.
Conclusion: We conclude that multidetector CT is the diagnostic tool of choice in the detection of gall bladder carcinoma and extension of tumour to distant sites.
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