A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate awareness of lifestyle interventions among hypertensive patients in Sikkim (North-Eastern State of India)

  • Dr. Mona Dhakal Professor, Department of Medicine, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, 5th Mile, Gangtok Sikkim, India
  • Dr. O.P. Dhakal Professor, Department of Medicine, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, 5th Mile, Gangtok Sikkim, India
Keywords: Awareness of lifestyle, Hypertension, Sikkim, North-East


Introduction: Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure (BP) is the most important cardiovascular risk factor worldwide, contributing to around one half of the coronary heart disease and two thirds of the cerebrovascular disease burdens. Effective prevention, detection, treatment, and control of BP continue to be an important goal for health care providers. A positive impact of life-style interventions is a well known fact. Awareness of HTN remains an important concern in this mountainous and predominantly rural population.

Objective: To evaluate the awareness of lifestyle interventions among patients of hypertension. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences in general medicine OPD from Jan 1. 2017 to Jan 15, 2017. All the stable hypertensive patients, attending medicine OPD aged >18 years were recruited in the study. Patients were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire regarding knowledge of life style interventions.

Results: Among all the hypertensive patients (n = 100), 60 patients had adequate knowledge (>50%) and 40 patients had inadequate (<50%) knowledge of these interventions. Significant association between educational background and knowledge on lifestyle interventions was present. Urban population was more aware as compared to rural population Blood pressure was significantly under control in the aware population.

Conclusion: Patients knowledge on lifestyle interventions for the management of blood pressure is important. The rural population and uneducated people have inadequate knowledge on lifestyle modifications of hypertension. Structured teaching programs are needed to improve awareness about the lifestyle changes.


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A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate awareness of lifestyle interventions among hypertensive patients in Sikkim (North-Eastern State of India)
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i04.08
Published: 2017-04-30
How to Cite
Dhakal M, Dhakal O. A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate awareness of lifestyle interventions among hypertensive patients in Sikkim (North-Eastern State of India). Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Apr.30 [cited 2025Mar.7];5(4):421-8. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/860
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