Ultrasound evaluation of fetal central nervous system anomalies and its correlation with postnatal outcome

  • Dr. Navkiran Kaur Professor & HOD, Department of Radiodiagnosis, GMC Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. Amanjeet Kaur Junior Resident, Department of Radiodiagnosis, GMC Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. Saryu Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, GMC Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. Parneet Kaur Professor Department of OBG, GMC Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. Jaswinder Kaur Mohi Associate Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, GMC Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. Manjit Singh Guliani Associate Professor, Department of OBG, KD Medical College, Mathura, UP, India
Keywords: Antenatal ultrasound, CNS anomalies, Congenital malformations, Fetal autopsy


Introduction: CNS anomalies are the most serious congenital abnormalities. Ultrasound is an effective and non invasive modality of prenatal diagnosis of these anomalies. The purpose of the current study was to determine the frequency of CNS anomalies and its postnatal outcome.

Objectives: Present study was undertaken to find out the incidence of CNS anomalies in utero by ultrasound and to confirm them by autopsy or postnatal examination.

Materials and Methods: Ultrasound scanning of 5761 pregnant women was performed. Pregnancies with ultrasound findings of CNS anomalies were followed up. Prenatal findings were compared with postnatal findings and confirmed by autopsy wherever possible. In case of live birth post natal findings were noted.

Results: Ultrasound detected 50 anomalies in 42 cases. Ultrasound findings were exactly matching in 90%. 4 cases had variations 3 on autopsy & 1 on postnatal USG.

Conclusion: The incidence of CNS malformations on ultrasound was 0.73%. Autopsy and postnatal findings showed high degree of correlation with prenatal ultrasound findings.


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Ultrasound evaluation of fetal central nervous system anomalies and its correlation with postnatal outcome
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i03.09
Published: 2017-03-31
How to Cite
Kaur N, Kaur A, Gupta S, Kaur P, Kaur Mohi J, Singh Guliani M. Ultrasound evaluation of fetal central nervous system anomalies and its correlation with postnatal outcome. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(3):266-72. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/835
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