Characteristics of multi drug resistant tuberculosis cases at a selected tertiary level hospital

  • Dr A K Mahbubul Hoque Colonel, Assistant Director, Medical Services (ADMS), 17 Infantry Division, Jalalabad Cantonment, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Prof Dr Mahfuzar Rahman Professor, Medical Services (ADMS), 17 Infantry Division, Jalalabad Cantonment, Sylhet. Bangladesh
  • Dr S.M.M. Saleh Bhuiyan Brigadier General, Medical Services (ADMS), 17 Infantry Division, Jalalabad Cantonment, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Dr Mahbubur Rahman Retd Colonel, Retd MD, Medical Services (ADMS), 17 Infantry Division, Jalalabad Cantonment, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Keywords: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis, Anti tubercular drugs, Factors related to MDR-TB


Background: This study was carried out to determine the characteristics of MDR-TB cases under treatment at National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH), Mohakhali, Dhaka.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study among 442 diagnosed MDR-TB patients admitted in NIDCH of which 303 MDR-TB patients were included as respondents. The respondents were selected purposively and they were interviewed with duly pre-tested research instruments.

Results: Among the study populations (303), all were resistant to H & R and 149 (57.7%) consumed standard drugs regimen contained H, R, E & S. In addition the factors related to develop MDR-TB mostly as non-compliance, overcrowding and exposure to MDR-TB were 190 (73.7%), 261 (86.1%) and 81 (26,7%) respectively. In this study, time interval between completed anti-TB treatment and diagnosis of MDR-TB found 01 to 06 years among 55.4% respondents. Moreover tools used for diagnosis of MDR-TB were found in 258 (85.1%) as smear for AFB, Gene expert tests and Culture. Age group 16 to 30 yrs 184 (60.7%), income group 10001 to 20000 taka per month 143 (47.2%), educational qualification class VI-X 72 (23.8%) and urban population 180 (59.4%) were affected more. The association between type of house, crowding status and occurrence of MDR-TB were found statistically significant (p<0.05) but source of drugs, compliance of treatment, availability of drugs and occurrence of MDR-TB shown statistically highly significant, (p<.001). Correlation with age, family income and time gap of diagnosis MDR-TB was statistically significant (p<0.05). Principal.

Conclusion: Study findings demands establishment of standard diagnostics procedures/laboratories at all secondary and tertiary care hospitals and TB clinics in the country in support of uniformity of intervention therapy.


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Characteristics of multi drug resistant tuberculosis cases at a selected tertiary level hospital
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2017.i01.10
Published: 2017-01-31
How to Cite
Hoque M, Rahman M, Bhuiyan SS, Rahman M. Characteristics of multi drug resistant tuberculosis cases at a selected tertiary level hospital. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2017Jan.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(1):68-3. Available from:
Original Article