Prevalence and risk factors associated with Myopia among MBBS students of a private medical college in Central Kerala

  • Dr. Nirmala Department of Ophthalmology, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
  • Dr Gopalakrishnan P Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
  • Dr Devaki Antharjanam Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
  • Dr Ms Harsha C.H Assistant Professor, Bio-Statistics, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
  • Dr. Ann Mary Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
  • Dr. Swathy Londhe Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
  • Dr Raju Antony Professor HOD, Department of Community Medicine, SNIMS, Chalakka, Ernakulam., Kerala, India
Keywords: Myopia Prevalence, Parental Myopia, Refractive Errors, Risk Factors


Background: Myopia is a common ocular disease. Increasing myopia prevalence rate is posing a threat to the health and economy of the developing countries. Review of literature revealed a strong association of myopia with learned people and the possible role of environmental, nutritional, hereditary and near work in the increased prevalence of myopia. Objective to determine the prevalence of myopia among MBBS students in a private medical college and to find out the possible risk factors associated with the disease.

Materials and Methods: cross sectional study was conducted among the medical students of a private medical college of central Kerala using a pretested, semi structured questionnaire which was distributed to those who gave consent. The visual acuity of the students who participated was also noted using the Snellens chart.

Results: Out of 100 students 42 were myopes of which 38 were known cases and 4 were found out during our study. 45.33% of the female and 32% of male had myopia.

Conclusion: Prevalence of Myopia was found to be high among the medical students in this study. Regular eye check up is mandatory in medical students.


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Prevalence and risk factors associated with Myopia among MBBS students of a private medical college in Central Kerala
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i09.14
Published: 2016-09-30
How to Cite
Nirmala N, P G, Antharjanam D, C.H H, Mary A, Londhe S, Antony R. Prevalence and risk factors associated with Myopia among MBBS students of a private medical college in Central Kerala. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2016Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(9):1596-601. Available from:
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