Correlation of literacy and awareness regarding hepatitis C: a survey of family members of hepatitis C patients’

  • Dr Irfan Younus Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Dr Shahid Sarwar Gujranwala Medical College, Gujranwala, Pakistan
  • Dr Adnan Qaadir Military Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Dr Zamir Butt Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Dr Aisha Nazir Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Dr Afzal Choudry Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Keywords: Awareness, Knowledge, Hepatitis C, Misconceptions, Education


Objective: To determine the knowledge among family members of Hepatitis C patients and correlate it with their educational status.

Study Design: A cross sectional observational study.

Place and Duration: Outpatient department of Aziz BhattiShaheed Teaching hospital, Gujrat from 1st January 2015 to 31st march 2015.

Methodology: Data was collected to assess the fundamental knowledge and mode of transmission in people coming with HCV infected patients. Collected data was analyzed by SPSS V.20.

Results: Two hundred and forty one participants were included in study with mean age of 33 years (+11.940 SD). Male to female ratio was 3.30:1, 65.98% married and 104 were below matric (SSC). Two hundred twenty (90%) attendants knew that HCV can cause chronic inflammation, liver failure and liver cancer. Sixty three (26%) assumed it to be a bacterial infection. 164 (Sixty eight %) thought vaccine is available. More than 90 % of attendants knew that it is transmitted through sharing or reuse of syringes 236 (97.9%), blood transfusion without screening 235 (97.5%) and needle stick injuries 225 (93.4%). Two hundred thirty two (96.3 %) disagreed its transmission through holding hands, hugging and kissing. Ninety (37.3%) and fifty five (22.8%) assumed its spread through drinking polluted and unsafe sex respectively. Seventy (29%) disagreed its spread perinataly and contact with open wound. Male and above matric participants have significantly better knowledge (<0.05).

Conclusion: Awareness about HCV among attendants of hepatitis C infected patients was inadequate and has lot of misconceptions especially among females and less educated people.


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Correlation of literacy and awareness regarding hepatitis C: a survey of family members of hepatitis C patients’
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i09.10
Published: 2016-09-30
How to Cite
Younus I, Sarwar S, Qaadir A, Butt Z, Nazir A, Choudry A. Correlation of literacy and awareness regarding hepatitis C: a survey of family members of hepatitis C patients’. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2016Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(9):1576-81. Available from:
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