A Descriptive Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated With Non- fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempts

  • Dr. Kiran Kumar K. MD (Psychiatry), Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Bangalore, India
  • Dr. Fiaz Ahmed Sattar MD (Psychiatry), Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Bangalore, India
  • Dr. Pradeep Veluswamy MBBS, Junior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Bangalore, India
  • Dr. Swapna Bondade MD (Psychiatry), Associate professor, The Oxford Medical college, hospital and research center, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Adolescents, Psychosocial factors, Suicide attempts


Introduction: Adolescence is the tender, vulnerable transition period with umpteen challenges and individual vulnerability. Various Psychosocial factors play a determinantal role in the genesis of adolescent suicide attempts and the present descriptive study tries to analyze some common psychosocial factors in cases of non-fatal adolescent suicide attempters.

Method: Fifty subjects were recruited in the study. Detailed assessment of psychiatric morbidity and attempted suicide was done by clinical interview and validated by M.I.N.I.- KID, Beck Suicide Intent Scale and Adolescent Suicide Assessment Protocol-20. Psychosocial factors associated with the attempt were documented with the semi-structured proforma and descriptive statistical analysis was done with the help of SPSS version 15.

Results: Majority of the suicide attempters were in the age group of 18-19 years and females (54%) outnumbered males (46%). Most of the subjects were single (88%), Hindu (86%) by religion, belonged to middle socioeconomic class (82%) and were from the urban background (80%). Two third of them belonged to nuclear family and half of them were students. In our evaluation of various psychosocial factors, 76% of subjects were found to have psychosocial stressor, in that 10% had two or more stressors. Family related factors were the most common (60%) followed by college related factors (26%) in which most common was love failure (12%).

Conclusion: A sizeable proportion of subjects had various psychosocial factors associated with non-fatal adolescent suicide attempts and emphasis on these factors can help in prevention and hence monitoring of at-risk adolescents.


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A Descriptive Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated With Non- fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempts
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i02.014
Published: 2016-02-29
How to Cite
Kumar K. K, Ahmed Sattar F, Veluswamy P, Bondade S. A Descriptive Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated With Non- fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempts. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2016Feb.29 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(2):205-1. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/460
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