A retained Pessary in a 65 year old woman: Case Report
Introduction: Vaginal pessaries are being used as a treatment of uterovaginal prolapse since a long time but forgotten pessaries may cause many complications. They are being used in cases of uterovaginal prolapse if patients are not fit for surgery or refuses for surgery.
Case report: Our patient was a 65 year old woman who had pessary insertion 30 years back but luckily she didn’t have any serious complication. Instead her presentation was very unusual. Her pessary was covered on lateral sides by the vaginal epithelium like a loop, which was cut by cautery and the pessary was removed and patient finally underwent vaginal hysterectomy for third degree prolapse.
Discussion: Vaginal pessary is a very simple and easy mode of treatment of pelvic organ prolapse and patients are satisfied of their symptoms by it but it can lead to severe complications if not changed in time or forgotten for long time. Before insertion of pessary, patient should be educated about its cleanliness and frequency of changing and should always be called for routine check- up.
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