Role of vitamin B supplementation with Fluoxetine in treatment of depression: A randomized controlled clinical trial
Objective: To explore the change in antidepressant efficacy of Fluoxetine with vitamin B supplementation.
Methods : The present study is a Single Centre, Open Label, Active Controlled, Parallel, and Single Period 8- Week study of 53 patients. Patients are divided in to two groups Fluoxetine alone group which contain 26 patients and Fluoxetine plus vitamin B group which contain 27 patients, after recruitment they were followed up and assessed for CG Impression & on HDRS score and for objective assessment. The primary outcome was observed by improvement in HDRS scores. Response to treatment, and Reduction in HDRS score is analyzed by Un- paired t test.
Results: In study subjects clinically significant improvement was observed in fluoxetine plus neurotropic vitamins group as compared to fluoxetine alone group. However statistical analysis shows different results, unpaired t test when applied for the comparison of outcome in the two related samples, the t observed = 4.000. The t observed value falls out of the acceptance region t reference = 1.717. Therefore the null hypothesis stands valid.
Conclusion: Fluoxetine plus vitamin B supplementation is not superior to Fluoxetine alone, for moderate to severe cases of mental depression without psychotic symptoms.
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