Study Of Sex Differences In Systolic Blood Pressure And Exercise In Non- Athletic Adults

  • Dr. Srikanth Sajja Professor, Department of Physiology, Dr PSIMS & RF, Chinnavutapalli - 521286 , Krishna , Andhra Pradesh. India
  • Dr Ms Deepthi Kammili Tutor , Dept. of Physiology, Dr PSIMS & RF, Chinnavutapalli - 521286 , Krishna , Andhra Pradesh. India
Keywords: Systolic Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Hypertension


Background & Objectives: The aim of the present study was to study the sex differences in Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) responses to Exercise in healthy, non- athletic adult’s. SBP during exercise have been found to predict hypertension, coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Materials & Methods: One hundred normal, healthy, non-smoking subjects (50 Male & 50 Female) of Dr. PSIMS & RF are selected based on healthy life style, Body mass index, resting blood pressure & resting heart rate.

Results: Age, BMI and pre-exercise heart rate showed no significant differences between genders. During the exercise test, males showed extremely significant % rise in SBP & HR than females. % HR decline in 1st min and 3rd min has got extremely statistical significance between males and females. Systolic blood pressure recovery ratio shows extremely significant increase from 1st min to 3rd min in males. The % HR decline in the 3rd min showed extremely significant increase in males when compared to females. SBP responses during and after maximal exercise were estimated using percentage SBP rise (%SBP rise) and SBP ratio in 3 minutes of recovery relative to 1 minute (SBPR2). Males showed a significantly higher %SBP rise (34.75± 6.32; p<0.001) and lower SBPR2 (0.90± 0.04; p<0.001) in comparison to females.

Conclusion: Exercise SBP testing provide an important clue to identify the subjects at risk for developing hypertension


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2013.i05.04
Published: 2013-12-31
How to Cite
Sajja S, Kammili D. Study Of Sex Differences In Systolic Blood Pressure And Exercise In Non- Athletic Adults. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2013Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.12];1(5):233-9. Available from:
Original Article