Evolution of immunoassay with reference to HIV: brief review
Immunoassay, Chemiluminescence Immunoassay, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Evolution of rapid test kit and development from first to fourth generation Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) ELISA and CLIA have resulted in high automation, high through put as well as increased sensitivity and specificity. The window period of HIV has decreased whereas blood safety has increased significantly. Despite of all the progress made so far screening test detecting antigen and / or antibodies, although highly effective in identifying infected persons, will not always detect all individuals who are infected and do not correctly classify persons who are not infected. Different generation of ELISA kits have pros & cons and can be used in different algorithm of HIV testing.
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1. Yalow R. S. & Berson S. A. Immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in man. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1960 July;39(7):1157-1175
2. Graham A. Bonwick& Christopher J. Smith. Immunoassays: their history, development and current place in food science and technology. International Journal of food Science and Technology.2004 Oct; 39(8):817–827. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2004.00855.
3. www.elisa-antibody.com/ELISA-Introduction, ELISA enclyclopedia.
4. Engvali E and Perlmann P. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Quantitative assay of immunoglobulin G. Immunochemistry. 1971Sep;8(9):871-4.
5. Rudolf M. Lequin. Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) / Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).Clin Chem. 2005 Dec;51(12):2415-18.Doi 10.1373/clinchem2005.051532.
6. Van Weemen B.K. and Schuurs A.H.W.M. Immunoassay using Antigen-Enzyme Conjugates. FEBS Letters.1971 July;15(3):232-236.
7. Stephanie D Gan and Kruti R Patel. Enzyme Immunoassay and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.Journel of Investigate Dermatology. 2013. 133,e12.doi:10.1038/jid.2013-287.
8. Wolters G, Kuijpers L.P.C., Kacaki J, Schuurs A.H.W.M. Enzyme –immunoassay for HBsAg. 1976; Lancet II:690.
9. WHO 2004 Rapid HIV tests: Guidelines for use in HIV testing and counselling service in resource-constrained settings, Geneva.
10. CDC Public Health Service inter-agency guidelines for screening donors of blood, plasma, organs, tissues, and semen for evidence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. MMWR 1991;40(No. RR-4):1--17.
11. Guidelines for Laboratory Testing and Result Reporting of Antibody to Hepatitis C Virus*. February 7, MMWR 2003/52(RR03):1-16.
12. Raphael Wong and Harley Tse. Lateral Flow immunoassay. Humana Press. New York. 2009 edition. 1- 224.
13. Salmona M, Delarue S, Delaugeree C, Simon F, Maylin S. Clinical evaluation of BioPlex® 2200 HIV Ag-Ab : an automated screening method providing discrete detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen, HIV-1 antibody and HIV 2 antibody. Journal Clinical Microbiology.2014 Jan;52(1):103-7.doi: 10.1128/JCM.02460-13.
14. Brust S, Duttmann H, Feldner J, Gurtler I, Thorstensson R, Simon F. Shortening of the diagnostic window with a new combined HIV p24 antigen and anti-HIV-1/2 O screening test. Journal Virology Methods. 2000 Nov; 90(2):153-165.
15. Alonso R, Roa P.L. Suarez M, Bouza E. New automated chemiluminescence immunoassay for simultaneous but separate detection of human immunodeficiency virus antigens and antibodies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2014; 52(5):1467-70.
16. Weber B, Berger A, Rabenau H, Doerr HW. Evaluation of a new combined antigen and antibody human immunodeficiency virus screening assay, VIDAS HIV DEO Ultra. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2002 April; 40(4):1420-26.
17. Weber B, Orazi B, Raineri A, Thorstensson R, Burgisser P, Muhlbacher A, Areal C, Eiras A, Villaescusa R, Camacho R, Diogo I, Roth HJ, Zahn I, Bartel J, Bossi V, Piro F, Atamasirikul K, Permpikul P, Webber I, Singh S.Multicenter evaluation of a new 4th generation HIV screening assay Elecsys HIV conbi. Clinical Lab.2006;52(9-10):463-73.
18. Muhlbacher A, Schennach H, van Helden J, Hebell T, Pantaleo G, Burgisser P, Cellerai C, Permpikul P, Rodriguez M I, Eiras A, Alborino F, Cunningham P, Axelsson S, Wetlizky O, Kaiser C, Moller P, de Sousa G. Performance evaluation of a new fourth generation HIV combination antigen-antibody assay. Medical Microbiology Immunology.2013 Feb; 202(1):77-86.
19. Pumarola T, Freeman J, Saxton E, Dillon P, Bal T, van Helden J. Performance evaluation of the ADVIA Centaur ® HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay. Journal Virology Methods.2010 Dec;170 (1-2):16-20.doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.
20. Kwon JA, Yoon SY, Lee CK, Lim CS, Lee KN, Sung HJ, Brennan CA, Devare SG. Performance evaluation of three automated human immunodeficiency virus antigen-antibody combination immunoassay. Journal Virology Methods. 2006 Apr; 133(1):20-26.
21. Malm K, von Sydow M, Andersson S.Performance of three automated fourth generation combined HIV antigen/antibody assays in large-scale screening of blood donors and clinical samples. Transfusion Medicine. 2009; 19(2):78-88.
22. Roberto A, Paula LR, Marisol S, Emilio B. New automated chemiluminescence immunoassay for simultaneous but separate detection of human immunodeficiency virus antigens and antibodies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2014; 52:1467-70.
23. Wang Chen, WU Jie, Zong Chen, XU Jie,JU Huang-Xian. Chemiluminescent immunoassay and its applications. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry.2012 Jan; 40(1),3-10.
24. Araujo-Filho J.L.S., Melo-Junior M.R. and Carvalho Jr L.B. Potential applications of the chemiluminescent methods in tumoral diseases investigation; International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.2011; 2(2)392-400.
25. Lin J, and Ju H. Electrochemical and chemiluminescent immunosensors for tumor markers.BiosensBioelectron.2005 Feb 15; 20(8):1461-70.
26. Constantine, N. T., Saville, D. and Dax E. M. Retroviral testing and quality assurance: Essentials for laboratory diagnostics. 2005; 1-771.
2. Graham A. Bonwick& Christopher J. Smith. Immunoassays: their history, development and current place in food science and technology. International Journal of food Science and Technology.2004 Oct; 39(8):817–827. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2004.00855.
3. www.elisa-antibody.com/ELISA-Introduction, ELISA enclyclopedia.
4. Engvali E and Perlmann P. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Quantitative assay of immunoglobulin G. Immunochemistry. 1971Sep;8(9):871-4.
5. Rudolf M. Lequin. Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) / Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).Clin Chem. 2005 Dec;51(12):2415-18.Doi 10.1373/clinchem2005.051532.
6. Van Weemen B.K. and Schuurs A.H.W.M. Immunoassay using Antigen-Enzyme Conjugates. FEBS Letters.1971 July;15(3):232-236.
7. Stephanie D Gan and Kruti R Patel. Enzyme Immunoassay and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.Journel of Investigate Dermatology. 2013. 133,e12.doi:10.1038/jid.2013-287.
8. Wolters G, Kuijpers L.P.C., Kacaki J, Schuurs A.H.W.M. Enzyme –immunoassay for HBsAg. 1976; Lancet II:690.
9. WHO 2004 Rapid HIV tests: Guidelines for use in HIV testing and counselling service in resource-constrained settings, Geneva.
10. CDC Public Health Service inter-agency guidelines for screening donors of blood, plasma, organs, tissues, and semen for evidence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. MMWR 1991;40(No. RR-4):1--17.
11. Guidelines for Laboratory Testing and Result Reporting of Antibody to Hepatitis C Virus*. February 7, MMWR 2003/52(RR03):1-16.
12. Raphael Wong and Harley Tse. Lateral Flow immunoassay. Humana Press. New York. 2009 edition. 1- 224.
13. Salmona M, Delarue S, Delaugeree C, Simon F, Maylin S. Clinical evaluation of BioPlex® 2200 HIV Ag-Ab : an automated screening method providing discrete detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen, HIV-1 antibody and HIV 2 antibody. Journal Clinical Microbiology.2014 Jan;52(1):103-7.doi: 10.1128/JCM.02460-13.
14. Brust S, Duttmann H, Feldner J, Gurtler I, Thorstensson R, Simon F. Shortening of the diagnostic window with a new combined HIV p24 antigen and anti-HIV-1/2 O screening test. Journal Virology Methods. 2000 Nov; 90(2):153-165.
15. Alonso R, Roa P.L. Suarez M, Bouza E. New automated chemiluminescence immunoassay for simultaneous but separate detection of human immunodeficiency virus antigens and antibodies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2014; 52(5):1467-70.
16. Weber B, Berger A, Rabenau H, Doerr HW. Evaluation of a new combined antigen and antibody human immunodeficiency virus screening assay, VIDAS HIV DEO Ultra. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2002 April; 40(4):1420-26.
17. Weber B, Orazi B, Raineri A, Thorstensson R, Burgisser P, Muhlbacher A, Areal C, Eiras A, Villaescusa R, Camacho R, Diogo I, Roth HJ, Zahn I, Bartel J, Bossi V, Piro F, Atamasirikul K, Permpikul P, Webber I, Singh S.Multicenter evaluation of a new 4th generation HIV screening assay Elecsys HIV conbi. Clinical Lab.2006;52(9-10):463-73.
18. Muhlbacher A, Schennach H, van Helden J, Hebell T, Pantaleo G, Burgisser P, Cellerai C, Permpikul P, Rodriguez M I, Eiras A, Alborino F, Cunningham P, Axelsson S, Wetlizky O, Kaiser C, Moller P, de Sousa G. Performance evaluation of a new fourth generation HIV combination antigen-antibody assay. Medical Microbiology Immunology.2013 Feb; 202(1):77-86.
19. Pumarola T, Freeman J, Saxton E, Dillon P, Bal T, van Helden J. Performance evaluation of the ADVIA Centaur ® HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay. Journal Virology Methods.2010 Dec;170 (1-2):16-20.doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.
20. Kwon JA, Yoon SY, Lee CK, Lim CS, Lee KN, Sung HJ, Brennan CA, Devare SG. Performance evaluation of three automated human immunodeficiency virus antigen-antibody combination immunoassay. Journal Virology Methods. 2006 Apr; 133(1):20-26.
21. Malm K, von Sydow M, Andersson S.Performance of three automated fourth generation combined HIV antigen/antibody assays in large-scale screening of blood donors and clinical samples. Transfusion Medicine. 2009; 19(2):78-88.
22. Roberto A, Paula LR, Marisol S, Emilio B. New automated chemiluminescence immunoassay for simultaneous but separate detection of human immunodeficiency virus antigens and antibodies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.2014; 52:1467-70.
23. Wang Chen, WU Jie, Zong Chen, XU Jie,JU Huang-Xian. Chemiluminescent immunoassay and its applications. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry.2012 Jan; 40(1),3-10.
24. Araujo-Filho J.L.S., Melo-Junior M.R. and Carvalho Jr L.B. Potential applications of the chemiluminescent methods in tumoral diseases investigation; International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.2011; 2(2)392-400.
25. Lin J, and Ju H. Electrochemical and chemiluminescent immunosensors for tumor markers.BiosensBioelectron.2005 Feb 15; 20(8):1461-70.
26. Constantine, N. T., Saville, D. and Dax E. M. Retroviral testing and quality assurance: Essentials for laboratory diagnostics. 2005; 1-771.
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i10.224
Published: 2015-11-30
How to Cite
Sharma RK, Sharma SK, Bhushan B, Sharma D, Kumar A, Chhabra R, Soni GR, Singh S. Evolution of immunoassay with reference to HIV: brief review. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2015Nov.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(10):1234-8. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/405
Review Article