Correlation of liver enzymes and haematological profile in thalassemia major patients

  • Dr Chetana Jain Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
  • Dr Ajay Kumar Bhargav Department of Biochemistry, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
  • Dr Kavita Pawan Department of Pathology, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Thalassemia Major, Liver Enzymes, Hemoglobin, Ferritin


Introduction: Although red cell transfusions are lifesavers for patients with thalassemia, they are responsible for a series of complications and expose the patients to a variety of risks. Thalassemia major is the most common genetic disease caused by defective gene which produces abnormal haemoglobin.

Material and Methods: We have investigated 100 patients of Thalassemia coming to blood bank for regular blood transfusion. Level of hemoglobin,TLC,DLC and Liver enzymes i.e. SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase along with S. Bilirubin were also estimated. The age group of children suffering from Thalassemia major was between one year to fifteen years.

Results: Serum Ferritin Level was 2251 + 315 ng/ml(mean+S.D ), Haemoglobin level was 7.82 + 0.83 gm/dl,TLC was 7200 + 1000 cells/cmm, DLC was 68 + 12 Neutrophils,29 + 08 Lymphocytes,02 + 01 Eosinophils,01 + 00Monocytes,00 + 0.1 Basophils, SGOT (AST) value was 117 + 35.5 IU/L and SGPT(ALT) concentration 151 + 47.2 IU/L and Alkaline Phosphatase level was found to be 288 + 20.80 IU/L with mean + S.D. Bilirubin was 2.55 +1.12 mg/dl (mean + S.D).

Conclusion: In Present study Liver Enzymes increased and haemoglobin level was reduced but no changes were found in TLC and DLC.


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i10.222
Published: 2015-11-30
How to Cite
Jain C, Kumar Bhargav A, Pawan K. Correlation of liver enzymes and haematological profile in thalassemia major patients. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2015Nov.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(10):1224-7. Available from:
Original Article