Prevalence of hypertension in mid adolescents in central India: A school based comparative study

  • Dr Roop Sharma MBBS, MD, Fellow, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
  • Dr Jagdish Mandliya Associate Professor, Department of Peiatrics, RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India
  • Dr Mamta Dhaneria Professor, Department of Peiatrics, RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India
  • Dr H.L Tiwari Professor,Department of Peiatrics, RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India
Keywords: Adolescent hypertension, Systolic and Diastolic hypertension


Introduction: Hypertension among children and adolescents has increased significantly in the developed countries during the past two decades and similar trends are being observed even in the developing world.

Methods: Mid adolescent boys and girls (14-16years) of three government and four private schools of Ujjain city were included with sample size of 1000. A pre designed questionnaire regarding nutritional and dietary history was prepared with measurement of anthropometry.

Results: The overall prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension children in our study is 6.8% and 8.2% respectively, where as worldwide prevalence of hypertension is 7% to 19%. The prevalence of systolic pre-hypertension and systolic hypertension in children of government schools (14-16 yrs) was 7.5% and 8.5% respectively. In private schools out of 75 hypertensive students 49 (65.3%) (p=0.06) were consuming excess calorie. The incidence of systolic hypertension was low in the students with physical, activity ≥1hr/day and it was observed that both TV watching and Computer use were not associated with hypertension.

Conclusion: The prevalence of systolic hypertension in boys was higher in private schools as compared to government (7.8%>5.9%). Girls were more hypertensive in government as compared to private schools (12.4%>7.9%). Various factors which were found to have correlation with hypertension include calorie intake, number of meals per day, lack of physical activity in the present study.


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i8.167
Published: 2015-09-30
How to Cite
Sharma R, Mandliya J, Dhaneria M, Tiwari H. Prevalence of hypertension in mid adolescents in central India: A school based comparative study. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2015Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.30];3(8):891-0. Available from:
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