Hyponatremia: Case series with review of literature
Hyponatremia, Diselectrolytemia, Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretio
Hyponatremia is the most common fluid & electrolyte disorder prevalent in hospital settings, manifesting in form of wide spectrum of clinical symptoms resulting in increased morbidity and duration of hospital stay in critically ill patients. Here we are presenting three cases of diselectrolytemia which were later diagnosed to be cases of hyponatremia. The pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms along with recent guidelines for treatment of a case of hyponatremia is also discussed here in details.
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3. Renneboog B, Musch W, Vandemergel X, Manto MU & Decaux G. Mild chronic hyponatremia is associated with falls, unsteadiness, and attention deficits. American Journal of Medicine 2006 119 71.e1–71.e8. Gankam Kengne F, Andres C, Sattar L, Melot C & Decaux G. Mild hyponatremia and risk of fracture in the ambulatory elderly.QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 2008 ;101 :583–588.
4. Hoorn EJ, Rivadeneira F, vanMeurs JB, Ziere G, Stricker BH, Hofman A, Pols HA, Zietse R, Uitterlinden AG & Zillikens MC. Mild hyponatremia as a risk factor for fractures: the Rotterdam Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2011 ;26 :1822–1828. [PubMed]
5. Verbalis JG, Barsony J, Sugimura Y, Tian Y, Adams DJ, Carter EA & Resnick HE. Hyponatremia-induced osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2010 ;25 :554–563. [PubMed]
6. Liamis G, Rodenburg EM, Hofman A, Zietse R, Stricker BH & Hoorn EJ. Electrolyte disorders in community subjects: prevalence and risk factors. American Journal of Medicine 2013; 126: 256–263. [PubMed]
7. Wald R, Jaber BL, Price LL, Upadhyay A & Madias NE. Impact of hospital-associated hyponatremia on selected outcomes. Archives of Internal Medicine 2010; 170 :294–302. [PubMed]
8. Hoorn EJ & Zietse R. Hyponatremia and mortality: moving beyond associations. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2013; 62 :139–149. [PubMed]
10. Spasovski G ,Vanholder R, Allolio B etal. Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatment of hyponatraemia Eur J Endocrinol. 2014 Feb 25;170(3):G1-47. [PubMed]
11. Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Longo DL et al. in Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 2008; 17th edition vol. I : 274-287.
12. Fenske W, Maier SKG, Blechschmidt A, Allolio B & Stork S. Utility and limitations of the traditional diagnostic approach to hyponatremia: diagnostic study. American Journal of Medicine 2010; 123: 652–657.
13. Schwartz WB, Bennett W,Curelop S & Bartter FC. A syndrome of renal sodium loss and hyponatremia probably resulting from inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. American Journal of Medicine 1957; 23: 529–542.
14. Ellison DH &Berl T. Clinical practice. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis. New England Journal of Medicine 2007; 356: 2064–2072. [PubMed]
15. Verbalis JG, Goldsmith SR, Greenberg A, Schrier RW, Sterns RH. Hyponatremia treatment guidelines 2007: expert panel recommendations. Am J Med. Nov 2007; 120(11 Suppl 1):S1-21. [PubMed]
16. Murase T, Sugimura Y, Takefuji S, et al. Mechanisms and therapy of osmotic demyelination. Am J Med. Jul 2006; 119(7 Suppl 1):S69-73.
2. Hawkins RC. Age and gender as risk factors for hyponatremia and hypernatremia. Clin Chim Acta. Nov 2003; 337(1-2):169-72. [PubMed]
3. Renneboog B, Musch W, Vandemergel X, Manto MU & Decaux G. Mild chronic hyponatremia is associated with falls, unsteadiness, and attention deficits. American Journal of Medicine 2006 119 71.e1–71.e8. Gankam Kengne F, Andres C, Sattar L, Melot C & Decaux G. Mild hyponatremia and risk of fracture in the ambulatory elderly.QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 2008 ;101 :583–588.
4. Hoorn EJ, Rivadeneira F, vanMeurs JB, Ziere G, Stricker BH, Hofman A, Pols HA, Zietse R, Uitterlinden AG & Zillikens MC. Mild hyponatremia as a risk factor for fractures: the Rotterdam Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2011 ;26 :1822–1828. [PubMed]
5. Verbalis JG, Barsony J, Sugimura Y, Tian Y, Adams DJ, Carter EA & Resnick HE. Hyponatremia-induced osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2010 ;25 :554–563. [PubMed]
6. Liamis G, Rodenburg EM, Hofman A, Zietse R, Stricker BH & Hoorn EJ. Electrolyte disorders in community subjects: prevalence and risk factors. American Journal of Medicine 2013; 126: 256–263. [PubMed]
7. Wald R, Jaber BL, Price LL, Upadhyay A & Madias NE. Impact of hospital-associated hyponatremia on selected outcomes. Archives of Internal Medicine 2010; 170 :294–302. [PubMed]
8. Hoorn EJ & Zietse R. Hyponatremia and mortality: moving beyond associations. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2013; 62 :139–149. [PubMed]
10. Spasovski G ,Vanholder R, Allolio B etal. Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatment of hyponatraemia Eur J Endocrinol. 2014 Feb 25;170(3):G1-47. [PubMed]
11. Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Longo DL et al. in Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 2008; 17th edition vol. I : 274-287.
12. Fenske W, Maier SKG, Blechschmidt A, Allolio B & Stork S. Utility and limitations of the traditional diagnostic approach to hyponatremia: diagnostic study. American Journal of Medicine 2010; 123: 652–657.
13. Schwartz WB, Bennett W,Curelop S & Bartter FC. A syndrome of renal sodium loss and hyponatremia probably resulting from inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. American Journal of Medicine 1957; 23: 529–542.
14. Ellison DH &Berl T. Clinical practice. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis. New England Journal of Medicine 2007; 356: 2064–2072. [PubMed]
15. Verbalis JG, Goldsmith SR, Greenberg A, Schrier RW, Sterns RH. Hyponatremia treatment guidelines 2007: expert panel recommendations. Am J Med. Nov 2007; 120(11 Suppl 1):S1-21. [PubMed]
16. Murase T, Sugimura Y, Takefuji S, et al. Mechanisms and therapy of osmotic demyelination. Am J Med. Jul 2006; 119(7 Suppl 1):S69-73.
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i3.064
Published: 2015-04-30
How to Cite
Murthy M, Chatterjee S, Nigam R, Kosam D. Hyponatremia: Case series with review of literature. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2015Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(3):356-60. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/240
Case Report