Endometrial thickness by USG as a guideline for the treatment of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in Premenopausal Women

  • Dr. Charushila D. Shinde MD (Anatomy), Assistant Professor, MGM Medical College, kamothe Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Pankaj G. Patil MD (Obstetric & Gynecology), Associate Professor, MGM Medical College, kamothe Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Rekha Mane MD (Anatomy), Assistant Professor, MGM Medical College, kamothe Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Keywords: Ultrasonography, Endometrium, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Endometrial thickness, Premenopausal women


Introduction: Endometrium is mucosal layer of uterus. Throughout the reproductive age, endometrium undergoes cyclical changes during each lunar month to prepare uterus for implantation. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding (AUB) during a womans reproductive years. It affects womens health both medically and socially.

Aim & Objective: To decide cut of limit of Endometrial thickness (ET) by ultrasonography (USG) for the treatment of DUB patients in premenopausal women.

Method: A total of 60 patients with irregular menstrual bleeding of DUB attending Department of Obstetric and Gynecology in M G M Medical College and Hospital were selected. ET was noted by USG.

Result: In younger age group most of patients showed good response to medical line of treatment, while premenopausal women needed surgical line of treatment.

Conclusion: ET in younger age group is in the normal range (<8mm) as compared to moderate ET (8-11mm) in perimenopausal women. In perimenopausal age, the preferred line of treatment will be either D&C or hysterectomy, when ET is >8 mm.


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i3.048
Published: 2015-04-30
How to Cite
D. Shinde C, G. Patil P, Mane R. Endometrial thickness by USG as a guideline for the treatment of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in Premenopausal Women. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2015Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(3):263-7. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/222
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