Comparison of HbA1c And FBS Among Diabetics And Non-diabetics to Evaluate Role of HbA1c as a Screening Tool

  • Dr. Bachu Laxmikanth Asst Professor, Department of Biochemistry, ShriSathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai, India
  • Dr. Imran Ahmed Siddiqui Specialist, Department of Biochemistry, ESIC Super Specialty Hospital, Hyderabad, India
  • Dr Neha 3Ist MBBS Student, ShriSathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai, India
Keywords: FBS, HbA1c, Type 2 Diabetes


Background: The increase in the incidence of Diabetes in both the urban and rural sectors of population demands a proper screening strategy for early diagnosis, to delay the complications associated with this disorder.

Aim: To evaluate HbA1c as a diagnostic tool for screening purposes at the community level.

Materials and Methods: 50 Type 2 Diabetics were included as cases and 50 healthy individuals were taken as controls in this study. FBS and HbA1c were estimated in them, and the data was statistically analyzed using SPSS software version17.

Results: A significantly (p<0.001) strong and positive correlation between FBS and HbA1c with a “r” value 0.908 was observed. HbA1c showed 100% sensitivity and specificity at a best cut off value of 6.7%.

Conclusion: Hba1c can be used as an effective screening tool at the community level, provided that the test should be performed using a method that is standardized.


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2013.i03.08
Published: 2013-08-31
How to Cite
Laxmikanth B, Ahmed Siddiqui I, Neha N. Comparison of HbA1c And FBS Among Diabetics And Non-diabetics to Evaluate Role of HbA1c as a Screening Tool. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2013Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.7];1(3):125-30. Available from:
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