India towards Measles Eradication

  • Dr Poorva Gohiya Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, India
  • Dr D Sharad Gedam Professor of Pediatrics, L N Medical College, Bhopal, MP, India
Keywords: Measles eradication, Measles elimination, Under five mortality


After successful eradication of Polio; India is now moving forward for Measles control and elimination. The vision of “a world without measles” is supported by WHO, UNICEF and other partners in newly released Global Measles and Rubella Strategic Plan 2012-2020.


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DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2014.i03.21
Published: 2014-06-30
How to Cite
Gohiya P, Gedam DS. India towards Measles Eradication. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2014Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(3):274-6. Available from:
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