A study to assess the selfitis behaviour and selfie syndrome (level of selfitis) among the nursing students

  • Mr. Virendra Singh Nursing Lecturer, Govt. College of Nursing, SPMC, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Dr. Ashok Yadav Nursing Lecturer, Govt. College of Nursing, SMS, Med. College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Selfitis behavior, Selfie syndrome, GNM, B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing


Background: Photography is seen as a powerful means of expression, as a symbolic language to express what cannot be said in words, and as a stimulator of emotions and behaviors about which often are not aware. The term the word "selfie", is declared as the "word of the year" by the Oxford English Dictionary. Selfie fever has taken a new dimension known as ‘selfitis’.

Objectives: To assess the selfitis behavior, the selfie syndrome (level of selfitis) and find out significant association of selected background variables with selfie syndrome (level of selfitis) among nursing students.

Material and Methods: It is a non-experimental study carried out on the nursing students in nursing training institutes in Bikaner city, Rajasthan. A study was conducted during the year of 2018 and 200 nursing students who are under training of GNM, B.Sc. nursing and M.Sc. Nursing were selected by using multi stage random sampling. Self developed questionnaire, Selfitis behavior scale and structured questionnaire used to collect the date from participants.

Results: Based on the finding of the majority of 141(70.5%) nursing students has moderate selfitis behavior followed by 59(29.50%) nursing students has severe Selfitis Behaviour and no candidate has mild Selfitis. The mean score of selfitis behaviour was 62.595 with SD 12.334. Based on findings there was no significant association of back ground variable with the level of selfitis except type of course in which student is admitted for nursing training.

Conclusion: The present study has proved that selfie syndrome is dominantly developing craze of modern era due to modern fat changes in technologies. From the finding of the present study it is concluded that the majority of nursing students have moderate selfitis behaviour.


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A study to assess the selfitis behaviour and selfie syndrome (level of selfitis) among the nursing students
DOI: 10.17511/ijmrr.2018.i08.09
Published: 2018-12-31
How to Cite
Singh V, Yadav A. A study to assess the selfitis behaviour and selfie syndrome (level of selfitis) among the nursing students. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2018Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(8):452-7. Available from: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/1018
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