Phenotypic characterization of Trichosporon species from clinical
Premamalini T1, Anitha
S.2, Mohana Priya3, Kindo A. J.4
1Dr. Premamalini. T, Associate Professor, 2Dr. Anitha. S. Clinical
Research fellow, 3Dr. Mohana Priya K, Lab Technologist, 4Dr. Anupma
Jyoti Kindo, Professor and Head, all authors are affiliated with
Department of Microbiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and
Research Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Corresponding author:
Dr Premamalini T, Email:
Trichosporon spp. arepresent as normal flora of skin and perigenital
area in humans. They can cause invasive trichosporonosis in
immuno-compromised individuals. Trichosporon infections are difficult
to treat, since they do not respond to routinely used antifungal
agents. Aim:
This study was undertaken to characterize clinical isolates of
Trichosporonsp, using phenotypic methods. Material and Methods:
Around 52 isolates of Trichosporon sp. obtained from various samples of
patients in Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research
Institute, Chennai, were considered for the study. The isolates were
studied for macroscopic morphology of the colonies on Sabouraud
Dextrose Agar (SDA), microscopic morphology by Dalmau technique
& Gram stain, ability to hydrolyze urea, sugar assimilation
profile and growth at 37°C &0.1% cycloheximide. Results and Conclusion:
Two types of colony morphologies were observed, 47 isolates appeared
flat with farinose covering and 5 were cerebriform with radial
fissures. All isolates hydrolysed urea, and none of the isolates
fermented but only assimilated sugars. The Trichosporon isolates were
identified up to species level by phenotypic methods. Still the
reliability of identification has to be confirmed with genotypic
characterization techniques.
Key words:
Trichosporon, Colony morphology, Biochemical characteristics
Manuscript received:
05th March 2018, Reviewed:
10th March 2018
Author Corrected: 16th
March 2018, Accepted for
Publication: 22nd March 2018
Trichosporonspp. are distributed primarily in tropical and temperate
areas. They are present in substrates like soil, water bodies, air,
decomposing wood,cattle, scarab beetles, bats, pigeons and even in food
particles like cheese. In humans, they constitute a part of normal
human flora of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal
tract, skin, and the vagina [1,2,3]. They can cause superficial,
mucosa-associated or deep-seated infections, collectively called as
“Trichosporonosis”[4]. In immuno-competent healthy
individuals, Trichosporon spp. may produce superficial infections like
white piedra or infections of the skin. However, they can cause
invasive infectionsin immuno-compromised patients like malignancy
patients and transplant recipients [1,2,3]. Invasive trichosporonosis
has a high mortality rate and is associated with poor prognosis.The
genus Trichosporon belongs to the phylum Basidiomycota, class
Hymenomycetes and order Trichosporonales [5]. Cultures on SDA grow as
yeast like colonies ranging from white to cream colour, with
characteristic farinose or cerebriform surface with radial fissures
[6].On prolonged incubation the colonies may become dry and membranous
[7].Their essential characteristic feature is the presence of budding
yeast cells andhyphae, which disarticulates to form arthroconidia[8].
All Trichosporonspp. have cell walls which are multilamellar and septa
with rudimentary dolipores [9]. Few other members of this genus possess
other morphological structures like appresoria, meristematic cells,
etc. that can also be used to differentiate them microscopically.
Though the members of the genus Trichosporon are non-fermentative, they
are capable of utilizing various carbohydrates and degrade urea by
producing the enzyme urease [6].
Microbiological identification of trichosporonosis typically depends on
the culture findings and identification of structures matching with
Trichosporon spp. like hyphae, pseudohyphae, blastoconidia and
arthroconidia in potassium hydroxide (KOH) mount and/or tissue biopsy
specimens [6].Correct identification of this organism till genus and
species level is important for epidemiologic reasons and knowledge on
resistance characteristics. Invasive trichosporonosis is a
life-threatening condition and appropriate antifungal therapy in an
early stage of infection is essential for good prognosis [1,2,3].
This study on phenotypic characterization of Trichosporon species is
the first of its kind from South India. The data on the morphological
and biochemical characterization of 52 Trichosporon sp. isolates,
obtained over a five year timeframe has been characterized and
Strains and Clinical
source- We analyzed 52 Trichosporon isolates obtained from
different patients of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research
Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu, between Jan 2011 &June 2016.
Yeast-like colonies were observed for microscopic characteristics by
Gram staining. The isolates which showed blastoconidia, hyphae,
pseudohyphae and arthroconidia were provisionally identified as
Trichosporonspecies [6] and preserved at -20oC on skimmed milk medium
until use [10].
Reference strains-
The reference strains of Trichosporon species used in our study were
procured from Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC),
India. The strains used were T. asahii MTCC 6179, T. asteroides MTCC
7632, T. cutaneum var. cutaneum MTCC 1963. The reference strains of
Candida species used were Candida albicans ATCC 90028, Candida
kruseiATCC 6258.
Morphological and
biochemical profile
Macro morphology- For macroscopy, a small inoculum of an
individual, isolated colony of each clinical isolate was inoculated in
the centre of SDA plate, and incubated at 25oC for 10 days. The study
of colony characteristics comprised of the observation of texture,
topography and colour.
Micro morphology- Microscopy
was studied using Gram stain &Dalmau technique on cornmeal agar
with 1% tween 80[11]. The plates were incubated in a moist chamber at
25oC for 3-5 days and observed under high power magnification for
morphological features like hyphae, pseudohyphae, budding yeast cells,
arthroconidia, and specialized structures like appresoria and sarcinae.
Biochemical profile
Biochemical characterization was done as described by De Hoogs et al
[6]. The isolates were initially tested for fermentation and
assimilation of basic sugars like glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose,
galactose and trehalose. Later they were they were identified till
species level, by physiological tests based on assimilation of sugars
like Rhamnose, Melibiose, Raffinose, Ribose, Xylose, L-Arabinose,
Galactose, Inositol, and growth at 37oC& 0.1% cycloheximide [6].
Sample source-
Majority of our isolates were from urine i.e.42 (80.7%). Around 3(5.7%)
isolates were from blood. For one patient, Trichosporon sp. was
isolated from two set of blood cultures and one urine culture. Out of
the 2 (3.8%) respiratory isolates, one was bronchoalveolar lavage and
one was tracheal aspirate. Around 4 (7.6%) of the Trichosporonsp. were
isolated from pus, and one from peritoneal dialysis fluid (Fig 1).

Sample Source

Fig 2:
Colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, 2A- Type I
colony morphology2B- Type II colony morphology

Fig 3A –
Gram stain showing Barrel shaped arthroconidia; 3B- Elongated
arthroconidia (100x)
Macroscopic appearance-
The study of colony morphology of the 52 clinical isolates on SDA at
25oC after 10 days of incubation revealed two types of colony
Type I – White to Cream, farinose with irregular folds
– 42clinical isolates (80.8%)(Fig 2 A)
Type II – White, cerebriform with radial furrows–10
clinical isolates (19.2%)(Fig 2 B)
Type I colonies attained a diameter of around 16-30 mm, whereas type II
colonies were smaller with diameter of around 17- 20 mm. Majority of
the isolates produced type I colony morphology (80.8%). Few isolates
with cerebriform colony morphology also produced cracking of the medium.
Microscopic appearance- The
microscopic observation of the isolates on Cornmeal agar showed two
types of observations in gram stain and Dalmau technique.
A- Blastoconidia, Pseudohyphae and barrel shaped
arthroconidia – 44 isolates (84.6%)(Fig 3A)
B- Blastoconidia, Pesudohyphae and elongated/
cylindrical arthroconidia - 8 clinical isolates (15.4%) (Fig 3 B)
All the Type I colonies produced barrel shaped arthroconidia.We did not
observe specialized structures like appresoria or meristematic cells
for any of our isolates.
Table-1: Biochemical
profile and growth characteristics of Trichosporon sp.
No. Of Isolates
(n = 52)
Final Identification
0.1% Cyclohexi
T. cutaneum
Note: Three
isolates produced inconclusive results hence not shown in table.
Rha- Rhamnose; Mel- Melibiose; Raff- Raffinose; Rib- Ribose; Xyl-
Xylose; L-Arab- L- Arabinose; Galac- Galactose; Ino- Inositol; 0.1%
cyclohexi- 0.1% cycloheximide.
Identification- The isolates were identified
phenotypically according to the biochemical characteristics as per De
Hoogs et al [6]. Fermentation was absent in all the isolates for the
basic sugars testedlike glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, galactose
and trehalose. The sugar assimilation profile and growth
characteristics for speciation of the isolates is listed in Table 1.
For about 28 isolates, growth was positive in rhamnose, L-arabinose,
0.1% cycloheximide and 37oC, identifying them as T.asahii. Growth was
present in ribose for 9 isolates; and in xylose for 7 isolates, apart
from the above-mentioned sugars. Since the growth in xylose and ribose
may be variable for T.asahii, all the 44 isolates were identified as
T.asahii. Three isolates grew in L-arabinose, inositol, 0.1%
cycloheximide and 37oC, but did not grow in rhamnose. They were
identified as T.asteroides. Two isolates grew in all the sugars except
galactose, 0.1% cycloheximide & 37oC, which were identified as
T.cutaneum. For aroundthree isolates, the reactions were inconclusive.
Trichosporonsp has been so far documented as the second most common
cause of invasive yeast infections in humans, next to the genus
Candida[12]. They are newly evolving opportunistic pathogens causing
invasive infections in immuno-compromised patients [13,14].Theyremain
associated with high mortality rates, since they do not respond to
treatment with routinely used antifungal agents. Such infections pose a
greatchallenge fordiagnosis [4,13].
Yeast identification is usually done based on evaluation of macroscopic
colony morphology, microscopic appearance, physiological and
biochemical characteristics. The physiological and biochemical tests
which areroutinely used foridentification are, fermentation of and
growth on carbon sources, growth on nitrogen sources, growth at various
temperatures and hydrolysis of urea[14,15].
In this study, we have analysed the phenotypic characters of 52
Trichosporon clinical isolates. Phenotypic characterization was done by
observing colony morphology, microscopic morphology,and
biochemical& growth characteristics. Two types of colonies
morphologies were exhibited by 52 clinical isolates (cream to white
farinose and white cerebriform i.e type I & II). Isolates which
were phenotypically identified as T asahii mainly exhibited type I
colony morphology. Another author Ichikawa et al had observed 4 types
of colonies produced by T asahii, whereas Ahmad et al observed only
single type of colony morphology byT.asahii [16,17].This difference
could be due to the variations in the sample sources used in these
studies [18]. In another study,Ichikawa et al.,2003, demonstrated that
phenotypic switching of colony morphology among T.asahii isolates
directly contributed to their virulence by facilitating invasion and
escape from host defenses [16].
All the 44T.asahii isolates produced barrel shaped arthroconidia. This
finding was similar to the microscopic morphology as described by De
Hoog et al [6].
The biochemical profile and growth characteristics identified our
isolates as T.asahii(44/ 52), T.asteroides(3/52), T.cutaneum(2/52)and
remaining three isolates produced inconclusive results, and hence they
could not be identified. The collective use of light microscopic
evaluationand biochemical characteristicshelps in the identification of
majority of the species causing human infections. Nevertheless, new
species of yeasts causing opportunistic infections has increased during
the past few years, making the identification by the routinely used
conventional methods difficult, even for experts in the field of
mycology. Furthermore, these conventional identification methods can be
laborious producing inconclusive results, leading to misidentifications
particularly for uncommon pathogenic species. Comparison of biochemical
and physiological characteristics of Trichosporon spp. by different
laboratories had also revealed significant discrepancies in the results
generated by other researchers [19,20]. Hence, the phenotypic
characterization results should always be confirmed with genotypic
methods for identification of Trichosporonsp.
Though performing a slide micro-culture to demonstrate the presence of
arthroconidia and urease test are very valuablemethods for the
screening of Trichosporon spp., other morphological features and
biochemical tests do not allow the precise species level identification
of Trichosporon isolates.
T.asahii is the most common clinical isolate identified phenotypically
in our study. We did not isolate wide spectrum of medically important
species of the genus Trichosporon. This may which may be attributed to
the nature of the clinical specimen culture din our study. We did not
have samples from superficial sites like skin and hair, which may have
varied species range. Due to inconsistency, difficulty in
identification and failure to identify new emerging species, we can
conclude that conventional methods for yeast identification should
always be followed by molecular methods for confirmation of the
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Premamalini T, Anitha S., Mohana Priya, Kindo A. J. Phenotypic
characterization of Trichosporon species from clinical isolates. Int J
Med Res Rev 2018;6 (03):153-158. doi:10.17511/ijmrr. 2018.i03.04.