Factor X Deficiency: A Rare Case of Inherited Coagulation Disorder Presenting As Hemarthrosis

Sinha S1, Barik S2

1Dr Sweta Sinha, Senior Resident, Department of Transfusion Medicine,2Dr Sumit Barik, Specialist and designated Associate Professor ( Hematology ), Department of Pathology and Hematology. Both are affiliated with ESI Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science and Research, New Delhi. 110015, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Sumit Barik, Email: bariksumit@yahoo.com


Hemophilia due to factor VIII deficiency is most common inherited bleeding disorder in paediatric population. Hemarthrosis is initial manifestation in large number of patients. We are presenting a case of factor X deficiency who presented with knee hemarthrosis.

Key words: Hemarthosis, Factor X deficiency, Bleeding disorder.


Hemarthrosis is classical presentation in Hemophilia A which is a genetic disorder of factor VIII deficiency. However other coagulation disorders ususally do not present with hemarthrosis. Factor X deficiency is a very rare disorder of coagulation. Two patients at different places with the names of Ms. Prower and Mr. Stuart were first to be diagnosed with factor X deficiency in the year 1956 and 1957 [1]. The incidence of severe factor X deficiency is 1 in 20,00,000  [2]. It is a vitamin K dependent serine protease that circulates in plasma. Plasma levels are 8-10 mg/ml. Half-life in plasma is 34-40 hours. It plays a crucial role in the coagulation cascade. Factor X is activated either by factor VIIa/TF (tissue factor) complex via extrinsic pathway or by IXa/VIIIa complex via intrinsic pathway. It is also activated by Russell Viper venom (RVV). Factor Xa subsequently forms a macromolecular complex with its cofactors Va, a phospholipid surface and calcium ions to convert prothrombin into thrombin [3-5]. One muslim boy who presented with hemartrosis was diagnosed with severe deficiency of factor X. Hemarthrosis becuase of severe factor X deficiency is rare presentation [6] which compelled us to report .     

Case report
A 2 year old muslim boy was brought in paediatric OPD for complaints of swelling in right knee. On further evaluation history of similar illness was confirmed in the past. Clinical examination confirmed hemarthrosis. Systemic examination did not reveal any other significant findings. A provisional diagnosis of Hemophilia A was made. The child was refered to department of hematology for confirmation of factor VIII deficiency. Routine hematological tests were done which were found within normal limits. Platelet count, bleeding time, coagulation time, Prothrombin Time ( PT )  and Activated Partial Prothrombin Time (APTT) were done . First stage analysis confirmed disorder of common pathway as PT and APTT both were prolonged. The mixing experiments, Russell viper venom test and factor deficient plasmas were used to confirm  the specefic  factor deficiency. Factor X deficiency was diagnosed. Activity of factor X was found to be less than 1% . The results are shown in Table no 1 and 2.
Fig 1: Hemarthosis in Right knee


Table 1: Results of hematological
tests and coagulation profile

S No.

Name of Test

Control/Ref. range

Test results



Bleeding Time (Ivy  method )

3 to 10 minutes

6 minutes



Clotting time

2 to 6 minutes

15 minutes



Platelet count

100000 to 300000 /cmm

2.20 lacs/cmm



Prothrombin Time

11 to 16 seconds

80 seconds



Activated Partial Prothrombin Time

32  to 40 seconds

150 seconds



Russell’ s viper venom test

11 to 13 seconds

50 seconds




150 to 400 mg %

250 mg %


Table 2: Mixing experiments and assay

S No

Mixing experiment done with




Adsorbed plasma

PT, APTT not corrected

Disorder of common pathway


Fresh serum

PT , APTT corrected

Fibrinogen deficiency ruled out


Normal plasma

PT , APTT corrected

Factor X deficiency


Factor VIII deficient plasma

PT , APTT corrected

Factor VIII deficiency ruled out


Factor IX deficient plasma

PT , APTT corrected

Factor IX deficiency ruled out


Factor X deficient plasma

PT , APTT not corrected

Factor X deficiecy


Factor X activity

Less than 1 %

Factor X deficiency


Factor X deficiciency is commonly an inherited disease however  it has occasionally developed in patients with liver diseases, vitamin K deficiency, amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, leprosy and methyl bromide exposure [6-8]. The gene for factor X is located on chromosome 13q32 .The inherited deficiency is transmitted in incomplete autosomal recessive pattern.  Clinically significant bleeding usually do not appear if activity of factor X is more than 10%. The homozygosity of transmission is usually seen in groups where consanguinity of marriages is common occurrence like musllims, jews.  Severe deficiency of factor X has been seen in Pakistan where such marriages are common [9]. A variety of mutations result in defects involving either reduction in antigen or defect in one or more activation pathways [4]. Two types are described. Type-I, in which reduction in factor X activity parallels reduction in factor X antigen, and type-II in which activity is less than antigen [10]. The factor X is required to convert prothrombin into thrombin which subsequently converts fibrinogen into fibrin.  Factor X deficiency presenting as hemarthrosis is seen rarely.


Hemarthrosis is an usual presentation in Hemophilia A and B. Factor X deficiency should also be made as provisional diagnosis when consanguinity of marriage and particular ethnic group is noted. Prolonged PT and APTT should always be investigated further by mixing experiments to confirm factor X deficiency. The patient had factor X deficiency of severe variety presenting as hemarthrosis who is either Prower kindred ( presence of antigen ) or Stuart kindred (absence or reduced antigen).

Funding: Nil, Conflict of interest: Nil
Permission from IRB: Yes


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How to cite this article?

Sinha S, Barik S. Factor X Deficiency: A Rare Case of Inherited Coagulation Disorder Presenting As Hemarthrosis. Int J Med Res Rev 2014;2(3):253- 255.