46, XXovotesticular disorder of
sex development with serous cystadenomas of the ovary
Gwendolyn F.1, Munde S.2,
Patwardhan P.P.3, Naik L.4
1Dr. Fernandes Gwendolyn, Associate Professor, 2Dr. Shital Munde,
Fellow in Uropathology, 3Dr. Pranav Pramod Patwardhan, Final year
Resident, above authors are affiliated with Department of Pathology,
Seth G. S. Medical College K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai, 4Dr. Naik
Leena, Professor and Head of Department of Pathology, Lokmanya Tilak
Municipal Medical College Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra,
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Fernandes Gwendolyn, Email:
Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD) is an extremely rare
condition and is defined as presence of both ovarian and testicular
tissue in the same individual, regardless of the karyotype and the
status of the external or internal genitalia. This disorder was
formerly called True hermaphroditism and 400-500 cases have been
reported in literature till date. Various chromosomal abnormalities
have been described but 46XX is the commonest. Both Mullerian and
Wolffian duct derivatives are present in the same individual and the
external as well as internal genitalia display a spectrum of
phenotypes. The external genitalia are ambiguous and a uterus and a
phallus areoften present. The gonads may be ovotestis or a combination
of ovary on one side and testes or ovotestis on the other side. These
gonads are prone to develop both benign and malignant neoplasms. Tumors
like dysgerminoms, seminomas, gonadoblastoma, and mucinous cystadenomas
have been described. Serous cystadenomas however, have not been
We describe a case of 46, XXovotesticular DSD with multiple serous
cystadenomas of the left gonad which was exclusively ovary, while the
right gonad was ovotestis.
Ovotesticular DSD; ambiguous genitalia; neoplasm; cystadenoma, serous
Manuscript received: 6th
November 2017, Reviewed:
16th November 2017
Author Corrected: 24th
November 2017, Accepted
for Publication: 30th November 2017
Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD) is an unusual condition
and is characterized by presence of both ovarian and testicular tissue
in the same individual, regardless of the karyo type and status of
external or internal genitalia [1].It was formerly called True
Hermaphroditism and 400-500 cases have been reported in
literature[2,3]. Various karyo types have been described but 46XX is
the commonest [4].
Both Mullerian and Wolffian duct derivatives are present in the same
individual. The external genitalia are ambiguous, and both the external
and internal genitalia display a spectrum of phenotypes. The gonads may
be ovotestis or a combination of ovary on one side and testes or
ovotestis on the other side.
These patients are prone to develop neoplasms of the gonads and a
variety of tumors like dysgerminomas, seminomas, gonadoblastoma, and
mucinous cystadenomas have been described [2, 5]. Serous cystadenomas
have not been described.
We describe an unusual case of 46, XX ovotesticular DSD with multiple
serous cystadenomas of the left gonad which was exclusively ovary,
while the right gonad was ovotestis.
A 20- year- old individual who was reared as a male, presented two
years ago with abdominal pain and cyclical bleeding through an opening
below a phallus-like structure. These episodes of pain and bleeding and
bilateral gynecomastia occurred in the past 5 years causing him to seek
medical attention. Ambiguous genitalia were noted by parents at birth
but no medical assistance was taken.
On examination, well developed breasts and pubic hair of adult sexual
maturity with a rating of P5 B5 (Stage V- adult) was seen (Fig 1).
Ambiguous external genitalia with a 4cm phallus and hypospadias were
also seen. There was a single perineal opening below the phallus, but
no palpable external gonads.
The Hormonal profile showed the following: Follicle stimulating
hormone5.8 mIU/ml,Leutinizing hormone3.08 mIU/ml, and testosterone 0.39
ng/ml, all of which were within normal limits. DHEAS
(Dehydroepiandrosteronesulphate)level was2.52 ug/dl which was markedly
decreased from a normal of 65-380 ug/dl.
Magnetic resonance imaging studies showed an abnormal small sized
uterus with vagina, bilateral fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Micturatingcystourethrography showed a normal capacity bladder.
Retrograde urethrography could not be done as patient had no urethral
opening in the phallus.
A karyotyping study was done and the patient showed 46, XX karyotype.
The patient was counselled but was lost to follow-up.
Fig 1: Bilateral
Figure: (2.)
2a. Right tubo-ovarian mass: Single thick walled tubular structure, 6
cm in length. Lumen of varying diameter, filled with necrotic material.
2b.Uterus with cervix and stumps of fallopian tubes; Left ovary -
enlarged & cystic; cut surface- 2 cysts measuring 6x6x4cm and
3x3x2cm with smooth wall
Fig 3: (3.)a.
Right ovotestis: ovarian stroma with corpus albicans and testis with
immature seminiferous tubules & Leydig cells (H&E
x100). 3b. Immature seminiferous tubules (H&E x400). 3c.
Immunohistochemistry- Calretinin highlighting Sertoli cells and Leydig
cells (x400). 3d. Salpingitis: Blunted, shortened plicae surrounded by
chronic inflammatory cells (Inset-Fused plicae producing a
pseudoglandular pattern) (H&E x100). 3e. Uterus showing
proliferative endometrium (H&E x40). 3f. Left ovary with
ovarian stroma and corpus albicans. No testicular tissue seen.
(H&E x100). 3g.Fibrous cyst wall lined by a single layer of
cuboidal cells (H&E x100). 3h.High power of cyst wall lined by
columnar epithelium with bland nuclear features. (H&E x400).
A year later, the patient presented with acute abdomen in our emergency
services. Ultrasonography revealed right ovarian torsion while the left
ovary showed a hemorrhagic cyst. An emergency laparotomy with right
salpingo-oophorectomy was done and the specimen sent for the
histopathological examination.
We received a right salpingo-oophorectomy specimen which showed a
tubulo-ovarian mass measuring 6 cm in length and showing varying
diameter from 1 to2.5cms. This tubulo-cystic structure was filled with
necrotic material and showed few yellow areas in its wall.
Histopathology revealed a structure of a fallopian tube showing acute
on chronic salping it is with microabscesses and classical ovotestis.
The ovotestis was composed of ovarian stroma with abundant corpus
albicans and testis with seminiferous tubules at one end. The
seminiferous tubules were lined by both spermatogonia and Sertoli cells
while Leydig cells were seen around the seminiferous tubules.
Immunohistochemistry showed strong Calretininpositivity for Sertoli
cells and Leydig cells confirming the testes.
The patient continued having pain in the abdomen for six months after
surgery and a hysterectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy was done and
sent for histopathology examination. The uterus with cervix was of
normal size, with an endomyometrium of 1.5 cm thickness. The cervix
showed Nabothian cysts. A stump of the left fallopian tube was
identified which was normal. The left ovary was replaced by two cysts
measuring 6x6x4 cm and 3x3x2 cm. The cysts had smooth walls with pale
reddish, watery fluid within.
On microscopy, the uterus showed proliferative endometrium while the
left gonadshowed exclusively ovarian tissue composed of ovarian stroma
and corpus albicans. Both the cysts were composed of fibrocollagenous
tissue and were lined by benign columnar epithelium. No testicular
tissue was seen. Thus, the patient had right- sided ovotestis and
left-sided ovary with serous cystadenomas. A final diagnosis of 46,
XXovotesticular DSD with right sided ovotestis and serous cystadenomas
of the left ovary was made.
Genital ambiguity is seen in 1 in 4500 births [2].The term DSD issued
to define congenital conditions in which disharmony exists in between
chromosomal, hormonal and anatomical sex [6].
Ovotesticular DSD refers to the presence of both ovarian and testicular
tissue in the same individual, regardless of karyotype and the status
of external or internal genitalia [1]. Ovotesticular DSD occurs in
fewer than 10% of all DSD and 400-500 cases approximately have been
reported in the literature [2,3]. This disorder was formerly called as
true hermaphroditism but now the term ovotesticular DSD is used.
In ovotesticular DSD, both Mullerian and Wolffianductderivatives are
present in the same individual and the genitalia are of ambiguousnature
[2]. A variety of phenotypes is seen ofboth external and internal
genitalia. Most of these patients have a well- formed uterus present
[2].The gonads may be ovotestis or a combination of ovary on one side
and testis on the other.
These patients are usually reared as males because of the size of the
phallus and labioscrotal fusion which is of varying degrees. At
puberty, feminization and menstruation occurs. Most individuals are
infertile, but ovulation and spermatogenesis are possible.
Various chromosomal abnormalities have been described in these
individuals and include 46,XX, 46,XY, 46,XX/46,XY, 47,XXY, 47,XYY, 45X,
and 46,XX/47,XXY mosaicism. 90% of the patients have 46 XX karyotype as
was seen in our case. Rarely, 46 XY/46 XX mosaicism can occur [4].
These gonads are prone to develop neoplasms, both benign and malignant
and the incidence of malignant tumors developing in ovotesticular DSD
is 2.6%. Various tumors like dysgerminoma, seminoma, gonadoblastomas,
yolk sac carcinomas and mucinous cystadenomas have been describedand
the commonest tumors which develop are dysgerminomas [2,5,7]. Serous
cystadenomas developing in such patients with ovotesticular DSD has not
been described in the literature and to the best of our knowledge; this
is the first case of serous cystadenomas developing in ovotesticular
Conservative gonadal surgery, hormonal replacement and counselling are
the mainstay of treatment in ovotesticular DSD.
Early and accurate diagnosis of DSD is essential as such patients have
physical, psychological, and infertility issues besides having a high
risk of developing malignancies. All efforts should be made to assign
an appropriate gender to the patient at the earliest so as to help the
individual to lead a normal life.
Ovotesicular DSD is associated with a spectrum of both benign and
malignant neoplasms, most common tumor being dysgerminoma. This case
has been published because to the best of our knowledge, this is the
only reported case of serous cystadenomas occurring in a case of 46, XX
ovotesticular DSD.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Gwendolyn F, Munde S, Patwardhan P.P, Naik L. 46, XXovotesticular
disorder of sex development with serous cystadenomas of the ovary. Int
J Med Res Rev 2017;5(11):952-955.doi:10.17511/ijmrr. 2017.i11.06.