Case report of sertoli-leydig
cell tumor of bilateral ovaries in a woman with 46XYkaryotype
Dutta A1, Borah
S.R.2, Saikia P 3, Taye M. 4
1Dr. AparnaDutta, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, 2Dr.
Smriti Rekha Borah, PGT, Department of Pathology, 3Dr. ProjnanSaikia,
Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Pathology, 4Dr.
Milan Taye, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; all authors are
affiliated with AMCH.
Address for
Correspondence: Smriti Rekha Borah, Assam Medical College
and Hospital, Designation: Post Graduate Trainee, Address: Department
of Pathology, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh, Assam,
Email id:
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors are rare constituting less than 0.5% of
ovarian neoplasms and usually unilateral. Average age of presentation
is 25 years.We report the case of a 23-year-old unmarried woman who
presented with primary amenorrhea and 8 months history of intermittent
pain over left lower abdomen. Transvaginal scan revealed rudimentary
uterus with left ovarian cyst with mural nodules. Cytogenetic study
revealed 46XY karyotype. Histopathological examination of specimen
received after surgeryshowed well-differentiated Sertoli-Leydig Cell
Tumor in sections from bilateral ovaries and Serous Surface Papilloma
in a section from left ovary.Diagnosis is based on morphological
features. Prognosis depends on stage and degree of differentiation.
Primary amenorrhea, Sertoli, Leydig, 46XY
Manuscript received:
30th April 2017, Reviewed:
10th May 2017
Author Corrected: 19th
May 2017, Accepted for
Publication: 25th May 2017
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor (SLCT) is a rare ovarian tumor belonging to
the group of sex-cord stromal tumors. These constitute less than 0.5%
of ovarian tumors. The average age of presentation is 25 years.Most
tumors are unilateral[1].The characteristic features of these tumors
are the presence of testicular structures that produce androgens that
lead to symptoms of virilization depending on the quantity of androgen
production. These tumors are also characterized by the degree of
differentiation of structures in them, the presence of which determines
whether the tumors are benign or malignant[2]. We here present a case
report ofSertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor having the rarity of bilateral
presentation and male karyotype in a 23-year-old phenotypically female
A 23-year-old unmarried woman presented to the Gynecology OPD with
primary amenorrhea and a history of intermittent pain over left lower
abdomen for 8 months. Physical examination revealed hirsutismand normal
stature. Cytogenetic study revealed 46 XY karyotype (male
genome).Transvaginal scan showed rudimentary uterus and left ovarian
cyst with mural nodules. She was diagnosed as a case of primary
amenorrhea with gonadal dysgenesis in the Gynecology Department and she
thereafter underwent bilateral gonadectomy with left sided
cystectomy.On gross examination of the specimen sent for
histopathological examination, the right ovary showed a smooth
grayish-white solid mass of size (2X1)cm and left ovary showed a smooth
grayish-white solid-cystic mass of size (5X4)cm. Microscopically,
section from both the ovaries showed solid tubules of dark blue sertoli
cells and the stroma containedleydig cells with pale, vacuolated to
eosinophilic cytoplasm. This indicated a well-differentiated form of
SLCT.Serous Surface Papilloma was seen in a section from left ovary.
Also, the finding of 46XY karyotype in phenotypically female patient
appears to be consistent with the pure gonadal dysgenesis syndromeknown
as Swyer syndrome.
SertoliLeydig Cell Tumor Left Ovary (Left image-10x; H&E) (Right image- 40x; H&E)
SertoliLeydig Cell Tumor Right Ovary (Left image- 10x; H&E) (Right image- 40x; H&E)
Serous Surface Papilloma Left Ovary (Left image- 10x; H&E) (Right image- 40x; H&E)
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor (SLCT) is a rare ovarian tumor belonging to
the group of sex-cord stromal tumors. These constitute less than 0.5%
of ovarian tumors and are usually unilateral[1]. Our case is thus rare
in having a bilateral presentation of the same. According to WHO
classification, there are five subtypesof Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors
according to the neoplastic Sertoli and Leydig cells exhibiting varying
degrees of differentiation, which include well-differentiated,
moderately differentiated, poorly differentiated, retiform and with
heterologous elements.The stage and degree of differentiation are the
most important prognostic factors in these tumors. In 1985, Young and
Scully reviewed 207 cases; of which all well-differentiated tumors were
benign, 11% of tumors with intermediate differentiation, 59% of tumors
with poor differentiation, and 19% of those with heterologous elements
were malignant[1].Clinicallythey present with signs related tomostly
androgen production like hirsutismand rarely estrogen[3],or symptomsof
mass-occupying lesion as pelvi-abdominal mass and/or pain[1, 4,
5].Testosterone and androstenedione levels are elevated in
approximately 80% of patients with ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors
withvirilizing manifestations [6, 7].
Our case also has the unusual finding of a 46XY karyotype with the
patient being phenotypically female, a finding consistent with Swyer
syndrome. Swyer syndrome is a pure gonadal dysgenesis syndrome with 46
XY karyotype, primary amenorrhea, presence of female internal genital
tract and bilateral streak gonads in a phenotypic female[8].There is a
testicular differentiation abnormality in Swyer syndrome[9]. They have
also elevated gonadotropins and hypoplastic gonads without germ
cells[10]. The diagnosis is usually made at adolescence when the
primary amenorrhea is investigated[8].Gonadoblastomais the most common
tumor that develops in Swyer syndrome[6, 7].We could not comment on the
streak gonads in our case due to the presence of mass in both the
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors are mostly unilateral and diagnosed in stage
I, so young patientsare treated with conservative surgery[11]. For
patients with poor prognostic factors, adjuvant chemotherapy is
considered. The BEP regimen i.e., bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin
regimen does not affect the fertility status of the patientand is thus
considered safe.Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor should always be taken into
consideration in a young female patient with symptoms of virilization
and an ovarian mass. The histopathology of the tumor decides the line
of management; poorly differentiated tumors require aggressive
management because of the high chances of them being malignant and
intermediately differentiated tumors need an individualized approach
This is a rare case of bilateral Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor. Primary
amenorrhea with pain abdomen led to further investigations, which
revealed left ovarian cyst with mural nodules and rudimentary uterus on
transvaginal ultrasound and 46XY karyotype on cytogenetic
study.Microscopic examination of sections from the specimen obtained by
bilateral gonadectomy with left sided cystectomy revealed
well-differentiated Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor in bilateral gonads.
Presence of 46XY karyotype, primary amenorrhea, normal stature and
rudimentary uterus were consistent with Swyer syndrome but we could not
comment on the presence of streak gonads due to the presence of mass in
bilateral gonads.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Dutta A, Borah S.R, Saikia P, Taye M. Case report of sertoli-leydig
cell tumor of bilateral ovaries in a woman with 46XYkaryotype. Int J
Med Res Rev 2017;5(05):495-498. doi:10.17511/ijmrr. 2017.i05.10.