Labour Analgesia
Rabindran 1, Gedam DS 2
1Dr. Rabindran, Consultant, Neonatologist, Billroth Hospital, Chennai,
India, 2Dr D Sharad Gedam, Professor of paediatrics, L N Medical
college, Bhopal, MP, India
Address for
Correspondence: Dr Rabindran, E mail:
Regional anaesthesia is nowadays commonly practised universally. It
provides superior pain relief in first & second stages of
labour, anesthesia for episiotomy & instrumental delivery.
Keywords: Labour
Analgesia, Regional anaesthesia, Labour pain
International Association for Study of Pain declared
2007–2008 as ‘Global Year against Pain in Women -
Real Women, Real Pain’ [1]. Labour pain is of main concern
& labour analgesia is of utmost importance. Uterine contraction
& cervical dilatation result in visceral pain whereas fetal
head descent & pressure on pelvic floor, vagina &
perineum generates somatic pain. Methods of labour analgesia include 1)
Nonpharmacological methods like Transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation, continuous support in labour, touch & massage,
water bath, intradermal sterile water injections, acupuncture,
acupressure, aromatherapy & hypnosis [2]; 2) Parenteral
narcotics like Pethidine, Intravenous ketamine, Fentanyl- for
patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCA), Tramadol, Butorphanol
& Remifentanil; 3) Inhalation methods like nitrous oxide,
sevoflurane-for PCA isoflurane & enflurane [3]; 4) Regional
analgesia- epidural, combined spinal/epidural (CSE-
needle-through-needle/ coaxial technique) & spinal, Central
neuraxial analgesia, sequential needle-through-needle combined spinal
epidural technique (CSEA), Patient-controlled epidural analgesia
(PCEA), Programmed intermittent epidural boluses (PIEB) &
Computer-integrated PCEA (CI-PCEA) where background infusion rates vary
depending on previous hour’s demand boluses [4]. CSEA is
restricted for very early stage of labour where local anaesthetics are
avoided, advanced stages of labour where rapid analgesia is desirable
& difficult epidurals as CSEA reduces failure rate of
epidurals; 5) Local anaesthetic nerve blocks like pudendal &
paracervical block.
Regional anaesthesia is nowadays commonly practised universally. It
provides superior pain relief in first & second stages of
labour, anesthesia for episiotomy & instrumental delivery,
extension of anesthesia for cesarean delivery & avoidance of
opioid-induced maternal & neonatal respiratory depression from
intravenous opioids, facilitates atraumatic vaginal delivery of twins,
preterm neonates, neonates with breech presentation & controls
blood pressure in women with preeclampsia by alleviating labor pain.
Combined spinal/epidural method has advantages like rapid &
effective analgesia, continued ambulation during labor, low incidence
of hypotension & combination of benefits of spinal &
epidural blocks. Spinal (subarachnoid, intrathecal) block is
short-lasting useful for short procedures like forceps/ vacuum
delivery. Low dose epidural infusion decreases instrumental vaginal
delivery by 25% & small-bore atraumatic spinal needles reduce
incidence of postdural puncture headache.
Indications for regional anaesthesia include Maternal request, marked
obesity, placenta previa, high order multiple gestation, severe
preeclampsia, bleeding disorders, use of anticoagulants, severe edema,
trauma, surgery, anatomical abnormalities of face, neck/ spine,
abnormal dentition, small mandible, extremely short stature, short
neck, arthritis, goiter, cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory
disease. Contraindications for Regional anesthesia include maternal
hemorrhage, refractory hypotension, coagulopathy, untreated bacteremia,
raised intracranial pressure, skin/ soft tissue infection at epidural
site, aortic stenosis, pulmonary hypertension & right-to-left
shunts. Low-dose epidural regimes & PCEA has reduced total dose
& side-effects like motor blockade [5].
Labour analgesia has some side effects. Pethidine- Neonatal adversity
[6]; Ketamine- airway compromise & neonatal respiratory
depression; Butorphanol- respiratory depression; Remifentanil- maternal
hypoventilation; Nirous oxide- environmental pollution; Sevofluorine-
environmental pollution, maternal amnesia & loss of protective
airway reflexes; CSEA- pruritus, vomiting, hypotension, uterine
hyperstimulation , foetal bradycardia & maternal respiratory
depression; CSE with microcatheters- cauda equina syndrome; Inadvertent
intravascular lidocaine- tinnitus, circumoral numbness, metallic taste,
dizziness & tachycardia.
Newer local anaesthetics like ropivacaine & levo-bupivacaine
have increased maternal safety. α-2 agonist, clonidine,
cholinesterase inhibitor & neostigmine are useful adjuvants [7]
. Ultrasound guided neuraxial technique is useful for obese women
& those with scoliosis [8]. Novel loss of resistance methods
facilitate epidural space detection like air operated Epidrum &
spring-loaded AutoDetect syringe Episure [9]. Novel epidural
needles like Needle-shaped Ultrasound probe are recent advances [10] .
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Rabindran, Gedam DS. Labour Analgesia. Int J Med Res Rev
2017;5(01):01-02.doi:10.17511/ijmrr. 2017.i01.14