Sinonasal Teratocarcinosarcoma
Shaikh S 1, Fernandes G 2,
Rojekar A3, Joshi A4
1Dr. Shaikh S, 3rd year Resident, 2Dr. Fernandes G, Associate
Professor, 3Dr Rojekar A, Assistant Professor, 4Dr. Joshi A, Professor
Head, all authors are affiliated with Department of
Pathology, Seth G.S Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai,
Address for
Correspondence: Dr Gwendolyn Fernandes, C-802, Swayam,
Poonam Gardens, Mira Road, Thane, Maharashtra. E-mail:,
Sinonasal Teratocarcinosarcoma (SNTCS) is an extremely rare and unusual
malignant neoplasm of the sinonasal tract with an aggressive behaviour.
Till date, there are less than a hundred cases reported in literature.
A 52 year old patient presented with a large, reddish brown, right
sided nasal mass with epistaxis since 1 month. Histopathology revealed
a highly malignant tumor with diverse histomorphological features and
was labelled SNTCS. These unique tumors show diverse histomorphological
features of a carcinosarcoma with teratoid elements.
Immunohistochemistry was positive for cytokeratin, vimentin, GFAP, NSE,
S-100. Chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide was given followed by
a debulking surgery. The patient is well seven months after diagnosis
and scheduled for radiotherapy. Diagnosis of SNTCS requires an adequate
representative biopsy and extensive sampling on Histopathology.
Treatment required included surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Sinonasal teratocarcinoma, sinonasal tumors, unusual tumors
Manuscript received: 05th
December 2016, Reviewed:
10th December 2016
Author Corrected:
20th December 2016,
Accepted for Publication: 31st December 2016
SNTCS is a very rare and unusual malignant neoplasm of the sinonasal
tract with a heterogenous morphology and an aggressive behaviour. Till
date, there are less than 100 cases reported in literature [1].
Histologically, SNTCS is a unique tumor comprising varying combinations
of benign and malignant epithelial, mesenchymal and neuroectodermal
elements [2,3]. This tumor is a combination of a carcinosarcoma and a
teratoma [4] Extensive excision and sampling for histopathology is
required since this tumor has diverse morphological features varying
from benign to malignant and varied components [3,6].
Case Report
A 52 year old patient presented with a right nasal mass with epistaxis
since 1 month. The patient also had symptoms of nasal obstruction,
pain, headache and anosmia. On clinical examination, a 5 x 4 cm,
reddish brown mass which bled on touch was seen. Detailed radiological
examination was done and biopsy was taken.
CT and MRI showed a large, non-enhancing or heterogeneously enhancing
soft tissue mass filling the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and sinuses, and
were suggestive of a benign lesion.
The biopsy received measured 2.5 x 1.5 cm and was a single
greyish-white mass. Histopathological examination revealed
fibrovascular tissue with dilated vascular channels which was not
diagnostic. Nasal mass excision with right uncinectomy was done and the
mass sent for Histopathology. We received multiple, soft fleshy,
friable yellowish brown bits of tissue.
Fig. 1a- CT-
large, non enhancing soft tissue density mass lesion seen filling the
right maxillary sinus and extending beyond.
Fig. 1b- MR-
brain and paranasal sinuses – heterogeneously enhancing soft
tissue density mass in the nasal cavity.
Fig. 1c-
Gross- multiple, soft, friable yellowish brown bits with areas of
Microscopic examination revealed a tumor with diverse morphology which
varied from a benign to highly malignant admixture of epithelial,
mesenchymal and neuroepithelial elements. The epithelial component
varied from benign glandular epithelium to malignant olfactory
epithelium. The mesenchymal component comprised of benign to malignant
spindle shaped cells in a myxoid stroma. Neuroepithelial components
comprised of nests of small blue malignant cells. Occasional rosettes,
mitotic figures and necrosis were seen. Fetal appearing clear squamous
cells and organoid structures were not seen. On Immunohistochemistry,
the epithelial components stained positively with cytokeratin,
mesenchymal components were positive for vimentin, while S-100 showed
focal cytoplasmic and nuclear positivity. The neuroepithelial component
was positive for NSE and GFAP. Synatophysin, chromogranin, CD 99, CD 34
were negative in the tumor. A diagnosis of SNTCS was made.
Fig. 2a-Scanner
view: various components of the tumor showing heterogeneous admixture
components, mesenchymal and neuroepithelial component (H & E x
Fig. 2b-
Glandular formations lined by benign cuboidal to columnar epithelium (H
& E x 100).
Fig. 2c-
Spindle cell mesenchyme showing mild to moderate atypia (H & E
x 400).
Fig. 2d- Primitive
neuroepithelial component composed of malignant small round blue cells
with hyperchromatic nuclei and minimal cytoplasm (H & E x 400).
Fig.-3: IHC
– 3a-CK positivity seen in epithelial component, 3b-Vimentin
positivity seen in mesenchymal component, 3c-NSE positivity seen in
neuroepithelial component, 3d-GFAP positivity seen in neuroepithelial
The patient was given two cycles of chemotherapy with cisplatin and
etoposide followed by debulking surgery and is due for two cycles of
radiotherapy. He is now well and has resumed normal duties, seven
months after diagnosis.
SNTCS is an infrequent, aggressive and highly malignant neoplasm of the
sinonasal region which is a combination of a teratoma and a
carcinosarcoma comprising of benign to malignant epithelial components,
mesenchymal components and neuroectodermal components [2,5]. Till date,
less than a hundred cases have been reported in literature [1]. It was
first described by Shanmugaratnam et al. but Hefner and Hyams first
coined the term ‘Teratocarcinosarcoma’ [2,3]. This
tumor is known to occur in the sinonasal tract. However, few cases of
extranasal teratocarcinosarcomas have been reported in nasopharynx,
orbit, posterior pharyngeal wall and tongue [6]. These tumors are
usually seen in age group above 50 years but cases have been described
from 18 to 79 years and even neonates [7]. A strong male preponderance
is seen with male to female ratio of 7:1. [1,3,7]. The histogenesis of
these tumors is not well known but they are believed to arise from
immature pluripotent cells sequestered in the sinonasal tract which
gives rise to divergent differentiation [10].
Clinically, SNTCS usually presents with recurrent epistaxis (53.52%)
and nasal obstruction (61.97%) and are seen as reddish-brown, friable
masses with necrotic areas which bleed on touch [11].
On histological examination, these tumors show diverse histomorphology
of carcinosarcoma with teratoid elements [1]. Varying combinations of
benign to malignant epithelial, mesenchymal and immature
neuroectodermal components are seen as was in our case [10]. Our case
showed benign glands, foci of adenocarcinoma, benign to malignant
spindle cell proliferation and immature neuroepithelium with rosettes.
Foetal appearing clear squamous cells and organoid structures were not
seen which features of teratomas are.
Immunohistochemistry varies according to the histological cell type;
epithelial components are CK and EMA positive; neuroepithelial
components are NSE, CD99, GFAP and S-100 protein positive; mesenchymal
components are positive for vimentin and myogenic markers [3]. Our case
was CK positive in the epithelial areas, NSE, GFAP in the neuroblastoma
areas and vimentin was positive in the mesenchymal component. S-100
showed focal positivity, while synatophysin, chromogranin, CD 99, CD 34
were all negative in the tumor.
Carcinosarcoma is an important differential diagnosis and it differs
from SNTCS as it consist of single malignant epithelial and a single
malignant mesenchymal component, whereas SNTCS has many such components
[13]. Another differential diagnosis is olfactory neuroblastoma with
divergent differentiation but this tumor does not show presence of
overt epithelial differentiation and truemesenchymal components [6].
Treatment for this aggressive tumor includes radical excision followed
by radiotherapy and chemotherapy [6,10]. Our patient received
chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide followed by debulking surgery
of the nasal mass and is currently posted for radiotherapy. He has
resumed routine life now, seven months after initial diagnosis.
As SNTCS has diverse histomorphogical features, a small superficial
biopsy may not be representative of this lesion and an accurate
diagnosis may not be possible. The initial biopsy of this case was not
diagnostic but histopathology of the excised nasal mass revealed the
complete picture and the diagnosis was made.
Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcomas are rare, aggressive tumors and
difficult to diagnose as they have diverse range of histomorphological
features varying from benign to malignant. Hence, diagnosis of this
lesion requires an adequate, representative biopsy including all
components and thorough histopathological examination. Treatment
required included surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Shaikh S, Fernandes G, Rojekar A, Joshi A. Sinonasal
Teratocarcinosarcoma. Int J Med Res Rev
2016;4(12):2181-2185.doi:10.17511 /ijmrr. 2016.i12.17.