Spontaneous rupture of spleen in
malaria: a case report
Sreehari d1, v
b singh2, babulal meen3, sanjay beniwal4, vivek ujwal5,
chetan kumar h b6
1Dr sreehari d, 2dr v b singh, 3Dr babulal
meen, 4Dr sanjay beniwal, 5Dr vivek ujwal, 6Dr
chetan kumar h b, Post graduate student, department of medicine, S P
Medical College Bikaner Rajasthan, Professor and Head of Geriatric
division, department of medicine, S P Medical College Bikaner
Rajasthan, Assistant professor, department of medicine, S P Medical
College Bikaner Rajasthan, Assistant professor, department of
medicine, S P Medical College Bikaner Rajasthan, Senior resident,
department of medicine, S P Medical College Bikaner Rajasthan, Senior
resident, department of medicine, S P Medical College Bikaner
Address of
corresponding author: Sreehari D191, 3rd model house
street, basavanagudi, Bangalore – 560004
Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in
the world, especially in developing world like India. Wide spectrum of
complications can happen in malaria. Spontaneous rupture of spleen is
one such rare complication. Here we report a case of 17 year old girl
with P.Vivax malaria causing spontaneous rupture of spleen which was
managed conservatively and was discharged with no complications.
Spleen, malaria, spontaneous rupture.
Malaria is endemic in India. Malaria is caused when an
infected anopheles female mosquito bites humans. Causative
microorganism is plasmodium species which includes P.falciparum,
P.vivax, P.malaria, and P.ovale. Only falciparum and vivax is seen in
India. Falciparum is notorious for causing grave complications like
cerebral malaria, hepatitis, DIC. Life threatening complications with
P.vivax is rare. Spontaneous rupture of spleen is extremely rare and
very few cases are reported in English literature. So this problem can
be overlooked especially in periphery where radiological investigations
are not feasible.
17 years old girl was admitted in medicine ward of PBM hospital with
history of moderate grade fever with chills and rigors for 4 days.
Patient also had intense abdominal pain in left upper quadrant which
was continuous in nature, dull aching, and no radiation. On admission,
vitals were stable. Patient was pale. On per abdominal examination,
tender spleen was palpable 3-4 cms below left costal margin, no free
fluid in peritoneal cavity, bowel sound was present. Chest auscultation
was normal. Provisional diagnosis of malaria was made, blood sample was
sent for routine blood chemistries. Blood chemistries showed:
haemoglobin was 8 g% , white cell count was normal,
platelet was low. Renal function and liver function tests were normal.
Her ESR was 60 mm. optimal test was positive for P.Vivax malaria by
card method. Ultrasound abdomen was done which showed splenomegaly with
hypo echoic regions (? splenic infarct). Coagulation profile
was done which came out normal. To confirm the lesion in spleen
abdominal CT with contrast was done which confirmed that the patient
had spontaneous rupture of spleen. Patient was
given standard course of injectable Artesunate over 7 days followed by
primaquine 15 mg for 14 days and IV fluids and supportive
treatment. Patient vitals were closely monitored. Patient was
afebrile within 2 days of admission. Abdominal pain came down after 3
to 4 days of admission. Patient was asymptomatic and discharged after 7
Malaria is known to humans since time immemorial. Malaria is prevalent
in tropical countries like India. It is caused by a protozoal parasite.
Patient usually presents with fever with chills and rigors and
headache. Splenic enlargement is a characteristic sign of malaria. A
palpable spleen may be present within 3–4 days of the onset
of symptoms and may be noted in 50–80 % of patients with
malaria [3]. Spleen later on becomes more hyperaemic, swollen and
tender with each febrile paroxysm. With treatment spleen reduces in
size usually within days to weeks. Complications with malaria are
common in developing nations. The spleen appears more protective
against severe manifestations of malaria in naïve than in
immune subjects [1]. Size of spleen indicates the parasite load and
severity of infection. Splenic complications due to malaria changes in
splenic structure include rupture, torsion, cyst and hematoma
formation, infarction, hypersplenism, ectopic spleen, and the hyper
reactive malarial syndrome (previously known as tropical splenomegaly
syndrome). Rupture is more frequent in nonimmune persons than in those
living in endemic areas in which multiple attacks result in gradual
splenic enlargement, making rupture less likely. Pathological rupture
of the spleen occurs most commonly in malaria followed by infectious
mononucleosis, kala-azar, viral hepatitis, typhoid, amyloidosis and
Gaucher's disease. There are only a couple of published studies which
has estimated the incidence of spontaneous splenic rupture in malaria,
rates in naturally occurring infection the range is estimated from 0%
(0/5,870 total cases of infection in Howard and colleagues series in
1973) to 2% (1/51 cases in Kahn and colleagues series in 1970) [3].
Splenic complication should be considered if patient is experiencing
vomiting, abdominal pain and tenderness with distension, and is having
tachycardia with hypotension. Pain at the tip of the left shoulder
(Kehr's sign) is an evidence of diaphragmatic irritation but it occurs
in less than one half of the patients Ultrasonography of abdomen,
diagnostic peritoneal lavage, arteriography, laparoscopy, CT abdomen
can be used to confirm rupture of spleen [4].
Exact cause for rupture in spleen is not known even though it is
hypothesised that it could be due to (1) cellular hyperplasia and
venous-sinusoidal engorgement leading to increased tension in the
organ, (2) vascular occlusion by reticulo-endothelial hyperplasia
leading to thrombosis and infarction, (3) episodic increase in the
intra-abdominal pressure by activities such as sneezing, coughing and
defecation, compressing the tense organ. When acting
together, these factors bring about parenchymal and sub capsular
haemorrhages which strip the capsule, leading to further sub capsular
haemorrhage. Eventually, the capsule tears leading to free
intraperitoneal haemorrhage [5]. Splenic rupture is seen usually in
acute infections as in our case rather than chronic, its due to rapid
hyperplasia, stretching of splenic parenchyma and capsule a high
frequency of small infarctions, hemorrhage and tears, a lack of
extensive connective tissue and fibrosis which is seen in chronic
malarial spleens, and rapid turnover of malarial parasites.
On gross examination spleen appears dark red because of congestion,
hyperaemia and deposition of haemozoin (a malarial pigment). Capsule is
thin and friable. Splenic reactions to malarial
infection include splenomegaly, haematoma formation [6], splenic
infarction and rarely, abscess formation [7].
Depending on the patient’s condition, treatment should be
decided, even though few consider splenectomy is the treatment of
choice [8]. Conservative management can be applied in carefully
selected cases, which include strict bed rest, careful fluid management
(with transfusions as required) and close clinical and haematological
observations. So in this case as patient was hemodynamically stable non
operative management was followed. If operative approach is
selected, spleen conserving procedures should be employed wherever
possible, as spleen plays an important role in immune response to
pneumococcal and malarial infection. Healing of the ruptured spleen is
usually complete in 2-3 weeks’ time. Splenectomy is done in
patients with uncontrollable bleeding with signs of haemorrhagic shock
or recurrent splenic bleeding as a last resort [9].
Funding: Nil, Conflict of interest:
from IRB: Yes
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How to cite this article?
Sreehari D, Singh VB, Meen BL, Beniwal S, Ujwal V,
Chetankumar HB. Spontaneous rupture of spleen in malaria: a case
report. Int J Med Res Rev 2014;2(1):67-69.doi:10.17511/ijmrr.2014.i01.014