Detection of malignant tissue in
mammography image using morphology based segmentation technique
Sharma N 1, Manjhi J 2
1Neha Sharma, M Tech Biomedical, Shobhit institute of Engg. and
Technology Meerut, India, 2Jayanand Manjhi, Professor and co-ordinator
Biomedical Department, Shobhit university, Meerut, UP, India
Address for
correspondence: Neha Sharma, Email:
Breast cancer is the leading cause of the death among the women.
Mammography is the best diagnostic technique for the breast cancer. But
not all breast cancer can be seen by mammogram. Although breast cancer
can be mortal, people have the highest chances to survive if cancer
could be detected at the early stages. But there are certain
limitations of the segmentation technique it is difficult to find the
effected region perfectly. The proposed work deals with an approach for
extracting the malignant masses in the mammography image for the
detection of earlier breast cancer. The steps involve in this work are
removal of noise from the background information, thresholding and
retrieving the largest region of interest, performing morphological
operations and extracting the ROI and identifying the malignant masses
from the image. This method is compared with Enhancement, edge
detection, Region Growing, Watershed Transformation techniques and
found more accurate, sensitive, and precise in comparison to the others.
Keywords- Mammogram,
Malignancy, Morphological, Median filter, ROI, Segmentation,
Manuscript received:
12th February 2016,
Reviewed: 22nd February 2016
Author Corrected:
3rd March 2016, Accepted
for Publication: 19th March 2016
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of breast.
A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into
surrounding tissues or spread to distant areas of the body. The disease
occurs almost entirely in women. Signs of breast cancer may include a
lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin,
fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly patch of skin. In those
with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen
lymph nodes, and shortness of breath or yellow skin. Breast cancer can
be separated into different types based on the way the cancer cells
look under the microscope [1]. Most breast cancer are carcinomas, a
type of cancer that start in the cells(epithelial cells) that line
organs and tissues like the breast. In fact breast cancers are often a
type of carcinoma called adenocarcinoma, which is carcinoma that starts
in glandular tissue. Other types of cancers can occur in breast too,
such as sarcoma which starts in the cells of muscle, fat or connective
tissue. In some cases a single breast tumour can be a combination of
different types or be a mixture of invasive and in situ cancer. And in
some rare types of breast cancer, the cancer cells may not form a
tumour at all. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women.
About 1 in 8(12%) women in the world will devlop invasive breast cancer
during lifetime [2]. Mammography is one of the best and commonly used
technique in the diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a specific type of
imaging that uses a low- dose x-ray system to examine breasts but
sometimes it is difficult for the radiologist to detect tumor or
cancerous mass so CAD techniques are used for breast masses detection.
To detect the malignant region the image is segmented or partioned into
different region [3].
The techniques availabe for segmentation of mammography images include:
Image enhancement technique, histogram equalisation technique,
watershed marker based technique, region growing technique, K- means
clustering technique, Edge detection, transformation techniques etc.
The drawbacks of these techniques are that this generally lacks in
providing robustness and imperceptibility requirement. It usually
enhances the whole image in a uniform manner, which in many cases
produces undesirable results. It is not possible to selectively enhance
edges or other required information effectively. Gaussian filters are
mostly used in the removal of white noise. So it is not possible to
remove noise completely or properly [4]. Some techniques reduce the
details of the image or image information. watershed method did not
give that much accurate result as the region extracted from the image
is the final extracted result that is not correct.
All the drawbacks of existing techniques are completely overcome with
the proposed method for segmentation of mammography image i.e.
morphological technique and thresholding of image. This technique not
only overcomes all the limitations but also increase image quality
which is measured with the help of image quality parameters.
and Methods
For image segmentation the MATLAB software of 7.1 version is used. And
one sample of mammography image is taken from MIAS database. The image
is a true color image with size 1O24x1O24. The proposed research
intends to develop an image processing algorithm to extract the
malignant mass from the mammography image for the detection of breast
cancer. The work proposed is based on the following procedure: (a)
removing the noise with median filter and the background information.
(b)Applying thresholding and retrieving the largest region of interest
(ROI). (c) Performing the morphological operations and extracting the
ROI and identifying the malignant mass from the screened images of the
breast. This method was tested on the mammography image taken from the
MIAS database and implemented using MATLAB code. The technique is
compared with other existing technique i.e. enhancement technique,
watershed, region-growing This technique consist of two processes:
A. Pre-processing- Pre-processing
is an important issue in low-level image processing. The underlying
principle of pre-processing is to enlarge the intensity difference
between objects and background and to produce reliable representations
of breast tissue structure [5]. The main objective of this process is
to improve the quality of the image to make it ready to further
processing by removing the unrelated and surplus parts in the back
ground of the mammogram. Breast border extraction and pectoral muscle
suppression is also a part of pre-processing. Pre- processing include
following steps:
i. Initial cropping: cropping
is one of the most important part of pre processing step. Imcrop
command is used for cropping the image. Cropping is done on the raw
mammogram image taken from the MIAS data base. In MIAS database each
image is clipped or padded so that it is 1024x 1024 pixels which is the
size of all raw mammographic image. Therefore the dark padding and the
region outside the breast are excluded from the image. After cropping
only the region of interest is kept for further processing of image.
ii. Intensity adjustment:
Image enhancement techniques are used to improve an image,
where "improve" is sometimes defined objectively (e.g., increase the
signal-to-noise ratio), and sometimes subjectively (e.g., make certain
features easier to see by modifying the colors or image's intensity
iii. CLAHE (Contrast
limited adaptive histogram equalization): CLAHE is a
modification of the original histogram equalization operating on small
regions in the image, called tiles, rather than the entire image. Each
tile's contrast is enhanced, then the neighbouring tiles are combined
using bilinear interpolation (directly implemented by MATLAB) to
eliminate artificially induced boundaries.
iv. Noise reduction:
After contrast enhancement noise is reduced from the image using median
filter. A median filter is a nonlinear filter efficient in removing
salt and pepper noise median tends to keep the sharpness of image edges
while removing noise. Median filtering corresponds to non- linear
smoothening which is used to reduce random noise. This smoothening
filter allows edge preservation when compared to other smoothening
filter. This filtering ranks the image pixels in a certain
neighbourhood of certain pixel and replaces the value of this by median
of neighbourhood.
B. Image segmentation- The
most important stage of mass detection CAD schemes is to separate the
suspicious regions that may contain masses from the background
parenchyma i.e., to partition the mammogram into several
non-overlapping regions, then extract regions of interests (ROIs), and
locate the suspicious mass candidates from ROIs. The suspicious area is
an area that is brighter than its surroundings, has almost uniform
density, has a regular shape with varying size, and has fuzzy
boundaries. Segmentation of masses from the rest of the image can be a
complex process due to the diversity of mass characteristics from one
image to the other.[5,6]
C. Remove background
information- In order to remove the background information
such as wedges and labels in the mammogram images, first convert the
grayscale or color image to binary image by using threshold technique
and morphological operations. Thresholding is the simplest method of
image segmentation. From a grayscale image, thresholding can be used to
create binary images. After the gray scale mammogram images are
converted into binary, remove the noise or background information from
the binary image by removing all the smaller objects except the largest
mammography part.
D. Thresholding-
Here Histogram thresholding and slicing techniques are used to segment
the image. They may be applied directly to an image, but can also be
combined with pre- and post-processing techniques. Thresholding is also
known as binarization of image. Thresholding approaches segment scalar
images by creating a binary partitioning of the image intensities.
E. Removing connected
components corresponding to the pectoral muscles- This is
a supplemental stage to remove the high intensity areas that are known
to be non-mass regions like the pectoral muscle and any artifact labels
that are attached to the borders of the image. White neighborhoods all
over the image that are connected to the image's borders are removed
during this stage, resulting in a darker image.
F. Elimination of noise
by locating connected segment larger area- Once the
mammogram image has obtained, result after the series of steps of the
proposed method, images. In obtained images noise is observed. To
eliminate this noise will seek the connected component with the
greatest area, and the rest is eliminated, so that with this process,
the resulting image is segmentation of abnormality present in
mammography. With this process the smaller binary objects are removed
from the mammography image leaving behind the largest part.
G. Perform subtraction- Image
subtraction or pixel subtraction is a process whereby the digital
numeric value of one pixel or whole image is subtracted from another
image which makes the background disappear leaving only the target. It
simply compares the previous frame image with the current one. Image
subtraction is a tool for transient object discovery and
characterization, Z = imsubtract(X, Y) subtracts each element in array
Y from the corresponding element in array X and returns the difference
in the corresponding element of the output array Z. X and Y are real,
non sparse numeric arrays of the same size and class, or Y is a double
scalar. In this paper subtraction is done on two images, the final
segmented image and the gray scale image. After subtracting segmented
image from the gray scale image the final image of the tumor is
H. Erosion-
Erosion is one of two fundamental operations in morphological image
processing from which all other morphological operations are based. It
was originally defined for binary images, later being extended to
grayscale images, and subsequently to complete lattices. The erosion,
of f by a flat structuring element b at any location (x, y) is defined
as the minimum value of the image in the region coincident with b when
the origin of b is at (x, y). Erosion removes small-scale details from
a binary image but simultaneously reduces the size of regions of
interest, too.
Result and Discussion
Figure 3 (a) Original
mammography image (b) Gray- scale image (c) Cropped image
(d) intensity adjusted image (e) CLAHE image (f) median filtered image
(g) entropy image (h) standard deviation image (i) local range of an
image (j) binary image ( k) ROI region (l) pectoral muscle removed
image (m) background subtracted image (n) final segmented image
The quality of the image is obtained by calculating image quality
parameters shown in table below: The overall accuracy is the ratio
between the total number of correctly classified regions and the test
set size (total number of region s). Hitting denotes the ratio of
correct segmentation while missing denotes the ratio of missing mass.
Over hitting denotes the ratio of false mass segmented, Relative
hitting denotes the relative correct ratio against segmentation result,
relative missing denotes relative missing ratio against segmentation
result. Sensitivity is a true positive measure that refers to the
proportion of image that contains cancerous mass which have been
classified correctly. Specificity is a true negative measure that
refers to the proportion of image containing a cancerous mass that have
been incorrectly classified [7].
Table- 3.1 Diff Image
Performance Parameters of Improved Morphological Technique
When the values of improved morphological technique is compared with
the values obtained from other technique i.e. Enhancement, edge
detection, Region Growing, Watershed Transformation techniques it is
concluded that this technique is better than other technique and
removes all the drawbacks and limitation of existing technique. This
technique provide robustness and with this technique it is possible to
enhance edges and the technique is efficient for noisy images.
Conclusion and future
work: Identifying breast cancer is a challenging problem
in medical image processing and medical fields. Digital mammogram on a
particular segmentation algorithm makes it difficult to identify the
breast cancer accurately. The acquisition parameters also influence the
quality of the image. Mammography image segmentation using this
technique is efficient in getting the malignant breast region and
extracting the malignant mass. For future work it may planned to
develop an algorithm to acquire a smoother breast region for image
processing, and it can also be used to study the behavior of the
breast, to improve the edge detection, to classify between breast
regions and masses, and the algorithm can also detect abnormalities in
segmented breast and which can produce more accurate results by
increasing image quality parameters than proposed method.
Accuracy =(True Positive Region+True Negative Regions)/(False
Positive+true positive+true negative+False Negative )................ i
sensitivity =(True Positive Region)/(True Positive Regions+False
Negative Regions )..............................ii
specificity =(True negative Region)/(True negative Regions+False
positive Regions ).............................iii
Precision =(True positive Region)/(True positive Regions+False positive
Regions ).................................iv
Missing =(false negative Region)/(True positive Regions+False negative
Regions )....................................v
over-hitting =(false positive Region)/(True positive Regions+False
negative Regions )
Relative missing =(false negative Region)/(True positive Regions+False
positive Regions )................vii
Kapps=(2*hitting)/(2*hitting+missing+over hitting
T.P- True positive region is the region of image that contains
cancerous mass.
T.N- True negative region is the region that does not contain malignant
F.P- False positive region refers to portion of image incorrectly
classified as cancerous mass.
F.N- False negative region refers to the portion of image incorrectly
classified as not a portion of cancerous mass.
The work presented in this thesis could not have been done without the
help of all of whom I want to thank. First, It gives me immense
pleasure to express my deepest gratitude and indebtedness to Dr
Jayanand, my thesis supervisor, Associate Professor, and Coordinator
Centre for Biomedical Engineering., Shobhit University, Meerut, for his
patient guidance and support under whose inspiration, encouragement and
guidance I have successfully completed this thesis work. I am truly
very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him. I found his
guidance to be extremely valuable. My heartiest thanks goes to my
co-supervisor Mrs. Shiva faculty, Assistant professor During my
project, I was immensely helped by her and I am thankful to her for all
the help she provided. I submit my gratitude to my parents for without
their support nothing could be done.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Sharma N, Manjhi J, Detection of malignant tissue in mammography image
using morphology based segmentation technique: Int J Med Res Rev
2016;4(4):635-640.doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i04.27.