A case report on and chronic
calcific pancreatitis primary systemic amyloidosis with symptomatic
gastric involvement
Kumar R 1, Chakraborthy
SR 2, Bandopadhyay A 3, Pandit VK 4, Bandi HK 5
1Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Consultant Medicine, 2Dr. SR Chakraborthy, Head,
Gastroenterology Division, 3Dr. A Bandopadhyay, Senior Consultant,
Gastroenterology Division, 4Dr. VK Pandit, Senior Consultant,
Gastroenterology Division, 5Dr. HK Bandi, DNB Resident, Department of
Medicine. All are affiliated with Bokaro General Hospital (DNB teaching
hospital, India.
Address for
Correspondence: Email: Dr Rajesh Kumar, Email:
Systemic amyloidosis is a disorder characterized by extracellular
deposition ofamyloid in various organs and tissues including the
gastrointestinal tract, kidney, heart, and liver. Gastric involvement
occurs in 8–12% of patientswith only 1% being symptomatic.
Histological involvement of gastrointestinal tract baring stomach is
common but is often subclinical. Moreover pancreatic involvement is
also rare. Herein we report a case of a 37-year old lady patient who
presented with macroglossia, periorbital purpura, abdominal symptoms
and on evaluation wasdiagnosedto be having systemic amyloidosis
involving stomach and chronic calcific pancreatitis.
Systemic amyloidosis, Calcific pancreatitis, Polypoidal gastric
lesions, primary systemic amyloidosis with symptomatic gastric
Manuscript received: 09th
Jan 2016, Reviewed:
17th Jan 2016
Author Corrected:
27th Jan 2016, Accepted
for Publication: 08th Feb 2016
Amyloidosis is a multisystem disease caused by extracellular deposition
offibrils composed of low molecular weight subunits of a variety of
serum proteins. The accumulation of these protein subunits leads to a
myriad of clinically relevant disorders. Amyloid proteins have
pathognomonic apple-green birefringence in polarized light after Congo
red staining [1]. Amyloidosis can be classified according to precursor
protein which forms amyloid fibrils [2] such as primary amyloidosis
(AL), which occurs in the setting of multiple myeloma or other plasma
cell dyscrasias, secondary or reactive amyloidosis (AA) which occurs in
chronicinflammatory diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis) and with
long-term hemodialysis, familial amyloidosis (ATTR) and senile systemic
amyloidosis (SSA). 70% of cases of AL amyloidosisand55% of AA
amyloidosis involve gastrointestinal tract baring stomach (8 % - 12%)
and pancreas. [3] Amyloidosis involving the gastrointestinal tract can
cause mild to severe bleeding [4]. Gastrointestinal bleeding in
amyloidosis results from local factors or coagulation factor deficiency
[4]. Local mechanisms include wall ischemia, ulcer formation due to
transmural amyloid in filtration, and mucosal fragility due to amyloid
infiltration of blood vessels [5]. Amylodosis manifests as irregular
and thickened gastrointestinal mucosaand may be confused with schirrous
gastric carcinoma when found in the stomach. Exocrine pancreatic
involvement in systemic amyloidosis is said to be very uncommon [6]. In
1993, Mayo clinic reviewed the clinical records of 769 patients
withprimary systemic amyloidosis in different places of mayo
clinic’s and out of this 8 patient (1%)was found to be
associated with gastric amyloidosis [7].
A 37 year old lady was admitted with complaints of loss of appetite,
vomiting, pain abdomen in epigastric region with aggravation after food
intake and progressive weight loss since past 6 months. She was on beta
blockers for essential hypertension for 2 years. On examination,
macroglossia and periorbital purpura (Fig 1) were present with mild
splenomegaly. Hemogram reports revealed mild anemia with normal total
leucocyte count & platelet count with serum Iron profile
suggestive of Iron deficiency anemia. Renal and Liver functional tests
were normal with hypoalbuminemia Thyroid function test were normal,
serological findings for HIV, hepatitis B &C were non-
reactive. Routine examination of urine was normal with absent Bence
jones protein,24 hour urinary protein was within normal range. Serum
ANA was negative, serumelectrophoresis revealed protein accumulation in
the alpha and beta region, diffuse band ingamma region. Stool for
occult blood was positive. Abdominal sonography and CECT-abdomen were
suggestive of chronic calcific pancreatitis, mildly enlarge pancreas at
head region with tiny calcificationin the pancreatic body region of
1.5-2mm, irregular pancreatic outline with prominent major pancreatic
duct, mild enlarged spleen and minimal collection in both pleural
cavity. Upper GI Endoscopy showed multiple punched out hypertrophied
lesion infundus and body region (Fig 2) suggestive of a multiple small
polypoidal lesion with gastric erosions. Histopathological examination
of the biopsy sample was suggestive of chronic gastritis with glandular
atrophy. On hematoxylin & Eosin stain (Fig 3) amorphous
material in the laminapropria was found exhibiting eosinophilia and was
confirmed with Congo red stain (an apple green birefringence on
polarizing microscopy) consistent with gastric amyloidosis. Rectal
biopsy examination and staining with Congo red features were also
consistent with amyloidosis. Bone marrow aspiration showed mature bone
marrow with decreased iron store. X ray skull was normal. 2D-Echo
revealed features of diastolic dysfunction. A definitive diagnosis of
primary systemic light-chain amyloidosis with gastrointestinal tract
involvement was made. The patient was not considered for autologous
stem cell transplantation, since the outcomes of autologous stem cell
transplant in patients with multisystem involvement are often poor and
fraught with a high mortality risk [8].
Fig 1:
Patient with features of Primary Systemic Amylodosis
:periorbitalpurpura and macroglossia (Photo taken after consent)
Fig 2: Upper
GI endoscopy showing multiple punched out hypertrophied lesions in
fundus and body region
Fig 3: Gastric
Amyloidosis (magnification × 100) showing eosinophilic
deposits stained with Congo Red
Menke D. M et al in their study reported that only about 8% of patients
have biopsy-proven amyloidosis in the gastrointestinal tract and only
about 1% become symptomatic from gastric involvement [7] [8]. The
gastrointestinal amyloidosis spectrumis wide with presentation of
gastroesophageal reflux disease-like symptoms, nausea, abdominal pain
and symptoms like diarrhea, weight loss (most common symptom as per
Madsen LG et al in their study [9]. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage could
be seen in up to 45% of patients with amyloidosis, likely secondary to
ischemia, ulceration or generalized mucosal oozing as per study by Levy
DJ et al [10]. Our patientpresented with weight loss, anorexia, anemia
due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding, macroglossia, periorbital
purpura. The features were suggestive of primarysystemic amyloidosis
and there were evidences of other systemic involvement such ascardiac,
spleen and stomach [10] [11]. Echocardiography findings were suggestive
of restrictive cardiomyopathy, abdominal sonography revealed
splenomegaly and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed amyloid
nodules with erosions. The underlying pathology for most of these
symptoms is amyloid infiltration. In our case there were no clinical or
investigational findings suggestive of Multiple Myeloma or Collagen
vascular disease. Amyloidosis was proven by biopsy and laboratory
investigations. Computed tomography of abdomen confirmedthe evidence of
chronic calcific pancreatitis. After proper examination and laboratory
reports of the patient, conclusion was made that thelady was a case of
Symptomatic Gastric amyloidosiswith chronic calcific pancreatitisin
setting of primary systemic amyloidosis.
There are very few cases reported of primary systemic amyloidosis
withsymptomatic gastric involvement and few literatures are available
of this relationship specially pertaining to involvement of pancreas in
the form of chronic calcific pancreatitis. Only few endoscopic findings
have been published, but the differential diagnosis should be kept in
mind by gastroenterologists.
Abbreviation used:
AL-Amyloid light chain, AA-Amyloid A protein, ATTR-Amyloid transthyretin
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How to cite this article?
A case report on and chronic calcific pancreatitis primary
systemic amyloidosis with symptomatic gastric involvement. Kumar R,
Chakraborthy SR, Bandopadhyay A, Pandit VK, Bandi HK. Int J Med Res Rev
2016;4(2):267-270. doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i02.004.