Importance of ultrasound
investigation in the early prenatal diagnosis of an Oral-Facial-Digital
Syndrome Type I: a new case report
Dinu-Florin Albu 1,
Cristina-Crenguta Albu 2, Stefan-Dimitrie Albu 3
1Dr. Dinu-Florin Albu, MD, PhD, Ass. Professor, Obstetrics
Gynecology and Medical Genetics, Expert in Maternal-Fetal Ultrasound
and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2Dr. Cristina-Crenguta Albu, MD, PhD, Ass.
Professor, Ophthalmology and Medical Genetics, 3Stefan-Dimitrie Albu,
Medical Student, All are affiliated with University of Medicine and
Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania and Alco San
Clinic, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Dept., Bucharest, Romania.
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Cristina-Crenguta Albu, 27A,
Catedrei Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania; E-mail:
We report a case of a 29 year old female. Ultrasound examination showed
a fetus with: cleft lip and cleft palate, ocular hypertelorism,
polydactyly and polycystic kidney. Amniocentesis was performed and the
fetal chromosomal analysis indicated a normal cytogenetic female,
karyotype: 46XX. Further genetic investigations were done. After
genetical counseling the parents decided to terminate the
pregnancy. The autopsy confirmed the ultrasound findings.
Key words:
Oral-Facial-Digital, syndrome, ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis, mutation
Manuscript received: 07th
Dec 2015, Reviewed:
19th Dec 2015
Author Corrected:
01st Jan 2016, Accepted
for Publication: 12th Jan 2016
The oral-facial-digital syndrome (OFD) is a congenital condition with
variable anomalies of the oral, facial, and digital tissues [1]. Otto J
Mohr published the first case report describing this combination of
symptoms in 1941, and the condition became known as Mohr syndrome (now
known as OFD II). In 1954, Jean Psaume and Éline
Papillon-Léage described another OFD syndrome, now known as
OFD I (Papillon-Léage-Psaume syndrome). The cause of OFD is
a genetic mutation [2, 3, 4]. The cause of OFD 1, a single mutation on
gene CXORF5, is the only one to have been identified to date [5, 6].
This gene is located on the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp22.3-22.2)
and governs the production of (codes for) the protein OFD I [7, 8, 9].
This protein is essential for foetal survival and for the early
development of all organs that are malformed in cases of OFD I [10, 11].
The inheritance pattern of OFD I is X-linked dominant. In most cases
OFD I is caused by a new mutation. This means that the genetic mutation
occurs in an individual for the first time and is not inherited from
either parent. The overall incidence is unknown. OFD I affect females
only, as male foetus with the syndrome die before birth [8, 12].
We report a case of a 29-year-old Caucasian female, pregnant for the
first time, GI PI, who was referred at 20 weeks’ gestation
for a routine prenatal ultrasound examination. The couple had normal
general health and was not consanguineous. There was no family history
of genetic disorders.
Routine ultrasound examination at 20 weeks of pregnancy, double and
triple test (AFP, uE3 and hCG), selective ultrasonography for detection
of fetal abnormalities, 3D and 4D live scan with Voluson Echograph E8,
amniocentesis, fetal karyotype and OF-PCR were performed.
Double test was found normal at that time. The biometry of the fetus
was normal for his gestational age. Triple test was not sensitive to
the presence of a possible trisomy.
Ultrasound examination at 20 weeks of gestation revealed a single fetus
with: cleft lip (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3) and cleft palate (Fig. 4),
ocular hypertelorism (Fig. 5) and polydactyly (Fig. 6) and polycystic
kidney (Fig. 7, Fig.
Amniocentesis was performed and the fetal chromosomal analysis
highlighted a normal cytogenetic female, karyotype: 46, XX.

1: Cleft
lip Fig.
2: Cleft

3: Cleft
lip Fig.
4: Cleft lip and Cleft

Fig. 5:
Hypertelorism Fig.
Fig. 7:
Fig. 8: Polycystic
After genetical counseling the parents decided to terminate the
pregnancy at 25 weeks of gestation. The autopsy confirmed the
ultrasound prenatal diagnosis.
and Conclusions
A sporadic case with an Oral-facial-digital syndrome type I, as the
result of a de novo gene mutation was described. Approximately 75% of
affected females are simplex cases (i.e., occurrence of OFD1 in a
single family member) [13, 14].
Recommendations for the evaluation of the mother of a pro band with an
apparent de novo mutation include clinical evaluation and molecular
genetic testing if the mutation in the pro band has been identified. If
the mother meets the diagnostic criteria for OFD 1 or if she has
another affected relative, she is an obligate carrier of an OFD1
mutation [15].
Ultrasound examination in pregnancies of a female with OFD1, which are
at 50% risk, prenatal ultrasound examination may detect structural
brain malformations (e.g., porencephaly) and/or duplicated hallux.
Ultrasound examination in pregnancies not known to be at increased risk
for OFD1, the findings of structural brain anomalies and unilateral
polydactyly of the great toe (duplicated hallux) should lead to
consideration of OFD1. In such instances, it is appropriate to evaluate
the mother for manifestations of OFD1 [16, 17, 18].
Prenatal ultrasound examination was very useful in the management,
prognosis and detection of this case. The prenatal diagnosis is
necessary for the detection of fetal abnormalities to all pregnancies
and especially for the risk categories.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated
from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Dinu-Florin Albu, Cristina-Crenguta Albu, Stefan-Dimitrie Albu.
Importance of ultrasound investigation in the early prenatal diagnosis
of an Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type I: a new case report. Int J Med
Res Rev 2016;4(1): 118-121.doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i01.018.