Tuberculosis presenting as Lung mass
Srikanti Raghu1, Juvva Kishan Srikanth2, Surya Kiran Pulivarthi3
1Dr. Srikanti Raghu MD, Associate professor, Department of TB &
Chest diseases, RIMS Medical College, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India,
2Dr. Juvva Kishan Srikanth. MBBS, Post graduate in Department of TB
& Chest diseases, Guntur Medical College, Govt Fever Hospital,
Guntur, 3Dr. Surya Kiran Pulivarthi. MBBS, Post graduate in Department
of TB & Chest diseases, Guntur Medical College, Govt Fever
Hospital, Guntur.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. S. Raghu MD, 12-14-1; Opp Sivalayam Road; Kothapeta, Guntur
Pulmonary tuberculosis remains one of the major health problem through
out the world. Pulmonary Tuberculosis has variable presentation, may
present as a mass lesion. Here we are reporting a rare case presenting
with dry cough with intermittent fever since 1 month,significant weight
loss and one bout of hemoptysis 2 days back . A mass lesion noted in
the right lower zone on chest x- ray and confirmed by Computed
Tomography (CT) scan. Ultra sound aided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
(FNAC) confirmed as tuberculosis.
Key words: Tuberculosis, Mass lesion, Lung Mass, FNAC
Manuscript received: 21st May 2015, Reviewed: 24th May 2015
Author Corrected: 4th June 2015, Accepted for Publication: 19th June 2015
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem, responsible
for ill health among millions of people each year. In 2013, an
estimated 9.0 million people developed TB and 1.5 million died from the
disease. TB ranks as the second leading cause of death from an
infectious disease worldwide, after the human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) [1].
There are many similarities between tuberculosis and lung cancer
presenting as mass lesion. Both are very common, have high prevalence,
involve lung parenchyma and above all, characterised by similar
symptoms [2]. But, there are many differences between these two
entities like they have different etiologies (pulmonary tuberculosis is
infectious while lung cancer is non-infectious disease). Symptoms such
as fever, cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, weight loss and anorexia
are common to both tuberculosis and lung cancer [3]. In India, where
tuberculosis is spreading in an uncontrolled way, it is not uncommon to
find a lung cancer patient being treated for tuberculosis initially.
Most common mode of presentation of tuberculosis on chest x-ray was
cavity is in consolidation. Upper zones of chest x-ray were more
commonly involved in tuberculosis. Lower lung field tuberculosis is
more commonly seen people with immunosupression. It is very rare that
tuberculosis presenting as mass lesion on chest radiograph in
immuncometent person.
Case Report
A 23 yr old male patient presented with dry cough and intermittent
fever since 1 month, hemoptysis since 2 days. No history of dysponea
and no history of chest pain were noted. He also has significant weight
loss. No history of tuberculosis previously. Not a known diabetic or
hypertensive. He was a non smoker and immune status was normal. Bowel
and bladder habits are regular. No pallor, No icterus, no cyanosis,
noclubbing and no generalized lymphadenopathy. On inspection chest wall
moments were symmetrical on both sides, vocal fremitus was decreased on
right infra scapular area. On percussion dull note was noted in right
infra scapular area. Absent breath sounds noted in right infra scapular
area.vocal resonance decreased on right infra scapular area.
Chest x-ray PA view showed mass lesion of size 4.3x 4.2 cm in right
lower zone. CT chest showed 4.3x 4.2 cm mass with smooth margins, in
the right lower lobe, without calcification and cavitation abutting to
chest wall. No pleural effusion and medistinal lymphadenopathy was
noted. FNAC under ultrasound guidance revealed as granulomas with
caseating necrosis suggestive of tuberculosis. Patient started on Anti
Tuberculosis Treatment (ATT). Patient responded well on to
antituberculosis treatment.{Figure 4}
Fig 1: A chest radiograph PA
view Fig 2: CT scan showing Right Lower lobe lung Mass abutting chest wall
Fig 3: CT Scan showing Right lower Fig 4: Chest radiograph-Response to ATT
lobe lung mass abutting chest wall
TB is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. It typically affects the lungs (pulmonary TB). Pulmonary
tuberculosis and lung cancer have common symptoms like cough,
expectoration, fever, hemoptysis, weight loss, and breathlessness.
However, careful history and examination can help clinician to suspect
Tuberculosis [4] Tuberculosis most commonly present with cough more
than 2 weeks, fever with evening rise of temperature, weight loss,
anorexia.Chest X-ray, sputum examination will help in diagnosis [5]. If
patient present with mass lesion on chest x ray should evaluated
because diseses like tuberculosis is potentially treatable. At chest
skiagram, tuberculosis may manifests as 5 main entities: Parenchymal
disease, lymphadenopathy, miliary disease (evenly distributed diffuse
small 2-3-mm nodules, with slight lower lobe predominance), pleural
effusion, and cavitation. Parenchymal lesions are characterized by
dense, homogeneous, or non-homogenous parenchymal consolidation in any
lobe (mostly upper lobe predilection) and fibrotic changes [6].
Postprimary tuberculosis may present with consolidation, particularly
in apical and posterior segments of the upper lobes; cavitation being
the hallmark of disease.
One of the Main differential diagnosis for mass on chest X-ray is lung
cancer. On chest X-ray Malignant lesions have irregular margins with
radiating strands. Further have hilar prominence (in case of central
tumors), pulmonary nodule (in case of peripheral tumors), widening of
the mediastinum (suggestive of spread to lymph nodes), total or partial
atelectasis of a segment, lobe or lung (mechanical effect causing
obstructive/intra luminal growth causing collapse), unresolving
consolidation (pneumonia), cavitation (eccentric, irregular margin with
nodularity), elevated diaphragm (caused by phrenic nerve palsy) or
pleural effusion (25.1%). Conventional chest roentgenogram detects
lesions of size more than 5mm,where as CT thorax are more sensitive and
can detect lesion of size upto 1mm diameter [ 7,8].
Ultrasound is useful in locating mass lesion and visualization of
co-existing pleural effusion and pneumothrax and pleual nodules [9]. We
have done ultra sound aided FNAC for this case. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
may present as mass lesion in upper lobes in 7%.but mass presenting in
lower lobe is unusual. Tuberculosis accounted for 27% of all
infections, initially presumed to be lung mass on imaging studies [10].
Fungal infections accounted for 46% of these infections.Involvement of
lower lobe is more common in diabetic patients and immunocompromosied
patients [11].
Malignancy is associated with elderly individuals, chronic smokers and radiographically lesions is more than 3cm in size [12].
To conclude, Upon review of literature anterior and apical segment of
right upper lobe are most common site for tuberculosis presenting as
pulmonary mass.In Present case of a non diabetic and immunocompetent
person involement of lower lobe is relatively rare.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Srikanti Raghu, Juvva Kishan Srikanth, Surya Kiran Pulivarthi.
Tuberculosis presenting as Lung mass. Int J Med Res Rev
2015;3(6):665-668. doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i6.115.