
Case Report

Yoga Prana Vidya

International Journal of Medical Research and Review

2025 Volume 13 Number 2 Apr-Jun

Role of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system as complementary medicine in the successful treatment of HIV: A case research study

Malipeddi M1, Nanduri VS2*

1 Madhavi Malipeddi, Senior YPV Trainer and Certified YPV Healer, New Delhi, India.

2* Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri, Consultant, Research and Publications, YPV Ashram and Sri Ramana Trust, Thally, Tamil Nadu, India.

Introduction: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pathogen that compromises the body's immune system by targeting white blood cells known as CD4 cells. Studies show evidence of successful YPV therapy as complementary in the healing cases of dreaded diseases like cancer, and various other diseases. This paper presents an in-depth case study of an HIV patient treated successfully using YPV protocols as complementary medicine to overcome psychological issues and side effects of ART medication.

Method: An in-depth Case study method is used, collecting case details from the Trainer-healer, medical information from the patient, and a qualitative research interview of the patient transcribed for thematic analysis.

Results: The CD4 figures for the period 2016 to 2022 show fluctuating results (above and below 500 cells /mm-cube) when ART medication was used alone. However, for the period 2022 to 2024 when the patient was treated complementarily using YPV protocols together with ART medication, CD4 values show a stable and rising pattern, above 500 cells/mm-cube. The medical team reduced the dosage by 41%. Qualitative analysis shows he is not experiencing any side effects of ART medication while feeling strong and energetic and functioning normally.

Conclusions: In addition to medical care, HIV patients require effective psychosocial assistance. A higher quality of life and longer lifespan are possible for individuals living with HIV who have access to timely diagnosis, treatment, and psychosocial support. According to this study, the YPV protocols provide efficient ways for patients to heal and rehabilitate. Recommendations include conducting more studies using the right samples and methodology.

Keywords: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), Yoga Prana Vidya System ®, YPV®

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri, Consultant, Research and Publications, YPV Ashram and Sri Ramana Trust, Thally, Tamil Nadu, India.
Malipeddi M, Nanduri VS, Role of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system as complementary medicine in the successful treatment of HIV: A case research study. Int J Med Res Rev. 2025;13(2):7-12.
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© 2025by Malipeddi M, Nanduri VSand Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV)

Studies show evidence of successful YPV therapy as complementary in the healing cases of Hodgkin Lymphoma [1], breast cancer [2] [3], esophageal cancer [4] [5], and Adnexal mass with malignant cells [6] and B-Cell Lymphoma [7].

Several cases of overcoming psychosocial issues and life-changing experiences through YPV practices [8] and relationship issues successfully healed by YPV healers [9] are also evident. The importance of achieving Patient self-care successfully [10], and several success factors of YPV integrative health practices [11] have been emphasised in the cited studies.

HIV disease

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that targets the immune system, particularly the white blood cells known as CD4 cells. HIV damages these CD4 cells, compromising an individual's ability to fend off opportunistic infections, including tuberculosis, fungal infections, serious bacterial infections, and certain types of cancer [12].

The global health sector strategy on HIV by WHO for the period 2022–2030 aims to reduce HIV infections from 1.5 million in 2020 to 335,000 by 2030, and deaths from 680,000 in 2020 to under 240,000 in 2030 [12].

A normal CD4 count for healthy adults and teens is between 500 and 1500 cells per cubic millimetre of blood according to NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).

When a person’s CD4 cell count falls below 200, their immunity is severely compromised, leaving them susceptible to infections and death. Someone with a CD4 count below 200 is described as having an advanced HIV disease (AHD). HIV is the name of the virus whereas having the symptoms of this virus is known as AIDS.

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is available free of cost to people living with HIV/AIDS in India. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) is responsible for providing ART medication [13].

Both short-term and long-term side effects are possible with all antiretroviral medications.

Each medicine, drug class, and patient have a different risk of experiencing a particular side effect. As they work to optimise treatment, HIV experts and other medical professionals who treat HIV-positive individuals would benefit from a greater understanding of the side effects of antiretroviral drugs [14].


This is an in-depth case study using the medical data from the patient and his detailed research interview transcription, and the relevant case details provided by his Trainer-cum-Healer

Case report

Patient information

The patient is a 41-year-old male-trained teacher in a school. When he was 28 years old (in 2013) he was married but separated after 6 months. He started living alone in October 2013.

HIV Diagnosis-2015

During a random test in June 2015, he was found HIV positive when he had gone for a uric acid test because of knee pain. In a subsequent re-test, it was confirmed.

Life Between 2015 and 2022

After that, the next six-month period was very stressful because of the divorce case and at the same time, his CD4 count came down to some 200 figures.

He was very reluctant to use ART medication as prescribed by the medical team because the tablet is known to give many side effects, but after pressure from the medical team, he agreed to the medicine. From December 2015 he was on ART medication for the treatment of HIV. He continued taking CD4 tests every 6 months, and around 2017 it came down to undetectable level.

After several court battles, he finally got divorced in 2017 and things settled down. He continued using the prescribed ART medication and blood tests every 6 months to monitor the condition of his liver, Kidney and heart conditions.

His CD4 test values between June 2016 and March 2022 are given in Table 1 and shown graphically in figure 1.

During this period, he was on ART medication. The graph shows the fluctuations in the CD 4 values, and some figures were lower than 500. His life events and unsettled mind could be attributed to these fluctuations during this period.

Table 1:CD4 Values between June 2016 and March 2022

DateCD4 count

Figure 1: CD4 test values from June 2016 to March 2022

Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Interventions from 2022

He joined a one-month YPV Level 1 healing course at Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) in December 2022. He had earlier, some years ago, received some training in energy healing applications.

Hence this one-month YPV course at the MDNIY helped him to grasp the techniques easily. During the entire course, he received guidance from the YPV trainer according to his condition with due precautions to be observed.

Very enthusiastic, and attentive, he followed all the guidelines as instructed. He shared a lot of the emotional upheaval that he was then facing at the home front and work, his deteriorated financial condition too, and what he went through in a rough marriage. He was guided to do forgiveness sadhana daily which he religiously followed and showed a lot of improvement slowly.

He did further courses in YPV such as Arhatic yoga, manifestation and several other courses. Seeing his improvements and transformation, He motivated several others too to enrol for the next batches.

He attended a one-week healing camp at the YPV Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust from 9th May 2023 to 15th May 2023. Here he received powerful healings from the senior healer of YPV and other senior healers and followed all the guidelines and instructions given to him.

His Trainer-cum-healer observed a huge change in his personality, an optimistic outlook towards life and ever enthusiastic to help and motivate others.

Healing protocols used

The following protocols were used by his Trainer-cum-healer for healing his HIV condition.

  • Healer Development (HDP) level 1 healing 2 days a week from March to April 2023.
  • Level 5 healing 2 days a week from March to April 2023.
  • PSP (psychic self-protection) technique after every healing session.
  • Recommended him to do Rhythmic Yogic Breathing three times a day, forgiveness sadhana and Screen Technique for inner purification before going to sleep.
  • Attending the 10 am divine healing session online (of 15 minutes duration) daily.
  • Doing Planetary Peace Meditation every week.

He did self-healing using the skills he acquired through the Healer Development level 1 healing course.

Quantitative results

His CD4 test values for the period November 2022 to December 2024 are given in Table 2, and graphically shown in Fig 2.

Table 2: CD4 test values from November 2022 to December 2024

DateCD4 CountViral Load Test Result

From this, it is observed that the CD 4 values are steadily increasing without any fluctuations. When compared with Figure 1, this confirms the influence of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) practices positively affecting him mentally emotionally and physically. It is further observed that during this period, HIV was constantly at an undetectable level.

Figure 2: CD4 values from November 2022 to November 2024

Coincidentally, the dosage of his medication was reduced by the medical team from 1100 mg to 650 mg for the last two years which was to his advantage concerning the potential risk of side effects.

Qualitative Results

The following themes have emerged from the qualitative analysis of the patient’s interview transcript.

1. Facing the challenges of HIV

It was very challenging to face the facts of HIV infection. A verbatim quote is…

“Non-detection level means it will not be transmitted to others but doctors tell me, it's not detectable but it is there” … “…the stress level can kill me… my immunity will go down …infection will come up.” … “This medicine has really strong side effects… they said you have to eat (the medicine) … that's a common protocol”

2. Medicine alone cannot fully cure

He says… “…so, more than medicine, I need strong psychological health to maintain my immunity.”

I've been maintaining the level for the last 3 years, now almost 3 years ho gaya level maintain karte… but they are saying…you have to continue medicine…if I have the option then I want to stop the medicine. ”

3. Supportive Role of YPV to cure diseases

“my disease has 2 major aspects… physiological and psychological… psychologically YPV is like a big help to anyone. Because when you can accept it positively you can still fight for it. I used to love myself now I love myself loving with each other. But I am also fighting for my priority there. YPV works like Wonder”

“I got my answers from YPV that the psychological part is really strong with it, and physiologically definitely YPV heals because of the side effects of this medicine if I don't do it then my kidney and liver will die. I won't die from HIV I will die from kidney failure or liver failure. So there YPV works as a preventive measure for tackling the side effects of allopathy medicine. … also, I know the techniques of how to come out of it, helping me to maintain a very healthy life now.”

4. Importance of active lifestyle

He keeps an active lifestyle to stay healthy and fit.

“It is very important to, what you call, to stay active and just keep doing everything …keep doing everything as usual. I sleep for 5 hours and I can still manage every day and I am working 7 days. I don't have any leave on Sunday. Even on Sundays, I am engaged in work and family matters… so 7 days working in different spheres of life …ok I get a break if it is 2.5 hours in the morning then I can relax, lie down … and take a small nap in a day time if I get a chance. Otherwise, it’s almost the whole day I am working…”

5. Future vision and purpose in life

Now he has a clear vision and hope for his future.

“…I compare with my colleagues or friends of my age group. I find myself very far ahead in energy levels, mental health levels or handling crises or stress more effectively and positively.

… now I have a vision, a vision to serve, a vision to give free education to kids. There was a time when I used to ask for death continuously. …but now I want to live 40 more years of life of service, happiness and purpose.”

“My close friend these days says, … you are blessed, you have a high energy level, workaholic you are, despite a broken marriage and many things you have seen …still very happy and going strong…celebrating life and smiling…”

6. YPV is life-changing

He spoke at length about how life-changing his YPV practices were.

“… more than healings, the teachings helped me to improve my situation, attitude and perspective towards life as a whole in a positive manner… I am now very very strong and independent… I have stopped running after any relationship. I am out of my depression issues”.

In addition to the above, his periodic lab test reports show his vital organs are not affected by the side effects of ART medication.


This study has revealed the challenges faced by a patient, and his sufferings due to a dreaded disease such as HIV, in his efforts to recover successfully and maintain a healthy and satisfying lifestyle. Literature shows YPV played a very important, helpful and supportive role as complementary medicine in cases of several cancer patients [1] [2][3][4][5][6][7]. The life-changing influence and support enabled by YPV practices to people affected by emotional upheavals due to vulnerability and social unfair treatment is evident in several studies [8] [9].

India has the third highest burden of HIV in the world with an estimated 2.3 million people living with HIV (People Living with HIV) in 2021 [15]. In a study, Malik et al. (2021) concluded that nearly three in four young and middle-aged Indians have a persistent lack of comprehensive knowledge of HIV, which increases their risk of infection, a situation which has worsened over 5 years. Adverse social determinants contribute to suboptimal knowledge but not attitude towards people living with HIV [15].


Besides medical treatment, HIV patients need efficient psycho-social support. Access to prompt diagnosis, treatment and psychosocial support ensures that people living with HIV live longer and have a better quality of life. The YPV protocols offer effective means for patient recovery and rehabilitation as observed in this study. Further research is recommended using appropriate samples and methodology.


The authors acknowledge with thanks the case details shared by the patient on assurance of anonymity. The authors are thankful to Sri Ramana Trust for permission to use their copyright terms Yoga Prana Vidya system ® and YPV®.


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